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How the discussion continues over the controversial ruling of the Court that favors the PRO

The Government will present before the CSJN a request for revocation “in extremis” of the precautionary resolution. Although it still remains to define when.

Meanwhile, the City of Buenos Aires will do the same before the highest court, also on a date to be determined, but to request that the ruling be complied with.

Taking into account that there will be four business days left before the judicial fair, the highest court in the country must decide whether or not to open that instance for this case or pass it directly to deal with it from February.

Meanwhile, this Monday could be the money that will arbitrarily favor the management of Rodríguez Larreta.

As is known, Alberto Fernández decided to instruct the competent bodies of the National State to challenge the members of the Supreme Court and present the request for revocation ‘in extremis’ of the precautionary resolution issued”.

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