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How to avoid accidents inside and outside the pool?

The accidents in the pool they are more common than you think. From falls, blows, injuries, and more serious cases such as drownings, are often seen in summer season.

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Adults and children are victims of these accidents, which are most often caused by recklessness and irresponsibility themselves.

As soon as one enters the club or premises, there are giant signs indicating the rules to avoid accidents inside and outside the pool, but many times the excitement of cooling off in the water and swimming is stronger and we overlook them.

Experts from the Mapfre insurer recommend following these tips to prevent accidents:

  1. Do not run by the pool and avoid walking barefoot. Wet ground is very slippery.
  2. Look who is in the water before launching, so you don’t harm any bathers. If you are in the water, you must also be attentive.
  3. The children They must swim in the pool area that corresponds to them and supervised by an adult. Since they are so curious, they will want to go swimming in the deepest area, so they must be accompanied.
  4. Clearly the person entering the water must to know how to swim. Don’t blindly trust floats or boards. One wrong move can plunge you into the water or one of your limbs can get stuck.
  5. don’t go in the water after eating or drinking alcohol. Wait at least two hours after eating to go swimming.
  6. Remember that an accident in the water can be deadly, take the necessary precautions. It doesn’t matter if they say you’re overreacting, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


If you have an inflatable pool at home and small children, try to always keep it covered with something resistant. Children are very curious and will want to enter. In an oversight a tragic accident can happen. It is better to prevent and take precautions.


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