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How to avoid gastroenteritis or ‘stomach flu’ in summer?

the season of summer not only implies more social gatherings, going out to the beach or meals with friends, but also a higher rate of Stomach diseases. One of them is the famous stomach flu, also called ‘stomach flu’.

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Is intestinal infection It presents with diarrhea, vomiting and even fever, and is caused by consuming contaminated and spoiled food or drinks. Gastroenteritis usually lasts 3-4 days, but it can spread. It is important that you stay very well hydrated on those days.

The medical treatment to cure this disease varies according to the degree. And it should always be accompanied by soft foods or diet broths.

Gastroenterologist Roger Espinoza recommends us to follow these five tips to prevent the disease:

  • Wash fruits and vegetables well

Especially if you are going to eat them in the shell or without cooking. Germs stay on the surface of food and that’s where the contagion comes from.

  • Avoid consuming raw food or food of dubious origin on the street

Opt for sealed and bottled products. Also, you have to be careful when eating sauces or creams because they are generally exposed and not refrigerated.

  • Do not leave any prepared food uncovered

Because flies could land and contaminate them. Use your refrigerator to store certain products.

  • Keep your hands always clean

Always wash them with soap and water. Remember that your hand touches any surface and with those dirty hands you eat food or rub your face.

  • Be careful with the water in the pools

Especially with children who are still learning to swim and swallow this water by mistake.


Vomiting, diarrhea and lack of appetite will make you dehydrate easily. For this reason, it is key that on those days you drink infusions, broths and mineral water with a pinch of salt and lemon.


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