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How to be happy, according to science

How to be happy, according to science

To be happy there must be balance in life such as what we do, how we think, the quality of life we ​​lead with the food we have and the people we surround ourselves with.

We are happy when everyone around us nourishes us and what we do and experience is filled with moments that give us something and encourage us to enjoy and evolve.

According to science, being happy means that there is a balance in all this so that the brain works in an agile way. The saying applies: ‘a healthy body, a healthy mind’. The problem is that if we self-sabotage and act in a way that hurts us, our happiness can be at risk.

Being happy and having well-being begins with ourselves, with the attitude, with good habits and even the lifestyle. Today in The Truth News We show you the 7 pillars of happiness, according to science.

How to be happy according to science?

  • Being busy but not in a hurry

Learning and working enhance our skills and knowledge, so it is always good to get busy with something and look for new challenges. It doesn’t matter what your profession is or what you do, it’s even something that applies to elderly children and housewives, for example. But, find the balance between your daily activities and rest, or you will wear yourself out physically and mentally.

We do not always rest for the hours that we should and as we should, and this is bad for the body, even if we do not notice it instantly. We think that an all-nighter or two ‘won’t hurt us’. Restful sleep is super important, for body and mind alike, because we also need space to take a breath and do nothing.

This does not mean that we need to become athletes, but we do need to move daily. Exercise is vital to be happy, even if it doesn’t seem like it, because activity also allows you to distract your mind and reflect, relax, live together and feel good about who you are.

  • have close relationships

That is, having close people who encourage you, support you, criticize constructively, and understand and listen. We are social people, so we cannot live in isolation. We need company like affection and recognition, so we find it in healthy interpersonal relationships. That there are at least five really close people in your life is very positive according to science.

Being at home can be fantastic, because it is our refuge and home, but we cannot live in those four walls, that is, it is important to go out, live with other people, walk, get to know, it is even good for us to fill ourselves with fresh air. Go for a walk from time to time and get out in the sun, because this also helps to improve your mood.

  • Reserve time for fun

Distract your mind with something entertaining because we must also value our right to leisure. Enjoy what you like and give yourself space in your life, because you will find in it something gratifying that will give you satisfaction, even if it is going for a walk, watching movies, reading, cooking, playing with your children, painting, gardening or whatever. to be.

You don’t need to be a very spiritual person to meditate, that doesn’t have much to do with it. And yes a lot with the idea of ​​being thankful for what you have. And this is, value your achievements as well as your falls. So meditating means, in this case, giving yourself some time to be with your thoughts and thus analyze what you have and where you are going. It can be as simple as taking 5 minutes a day.

It might interest you: How to be happier learning to master emotional skills?

What is happiness for the WHO?

Happiness is defined as a subjective emotion that is characterized by satisfaction and joy, it is perceived as a state of satisfaction due to the situation in the world that influences people’s attitudes and behavior.

Remember that for more articles on well-being and personal development you can visit the Style and Life section.

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