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How to dry clean a mattress?

It’s important to know how to remove stains from mattress periodically to keep it in good condition and guarantee its durability and, of course, a quality sleep.

Even if there are no visible stains, mattresses also accumulate dust, mites, bacteria and moisture. In The Truth News We leave you some tips to clean your mattress dry.

Do you wonder how to wash a mattress? There are several ways to do it: dry cleaning the mattress is one of the methods, although not the only one.

And it should be mentioned that dry clean mattress It does not imply the total absence of liquids, although it does minimize them to avoid premature deterioration of its interior. Be that as it may, cleaning the mattress should be done at least once a month.

How to dry clean a mattress?

  • Remove mattress stains with baking soda

It is one of the most used products for dry clean mattress, regardless of the types of mattresses you have at home. Baking soda is perfect for removing moisture, deodorizing, and killing bacteria and mites.

  1. Spread the baking soda over the entire surface of the mattress and leave it for about an hour.
  2. Then, remove all the product with a slightly damp cloth.

Once dry, you can complement the procedure with a vacuum cleaner, to remove the deepest residual dirt.

  • remove stains from mattress with vinegar

One of the options when you think about how to clean a stained mattress is vinegar. Vinegar is one of the most useful methods in relation to how to remove stains from the mattress.

This you must prepare a solution of white vinegar with warm water. The ratio is one to one: a glass of vinegar with a glass of hot or lukewarm water.

  1. Spray, leave to act for 5-10 minutes, and add baking soda to make cleaning more effective.
  2. Let it work and then clean with one of these two methods:
  3. With the vacuum cleaner.
  4. With a cloth or cloth moistened with water.
  • Remove mattress stains with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a useful substance for the neutralization of odors in the mattress and to get rid of stains that are very difficult to remove, such as blood. Other stains that this substance can remove are rust and sweat.

  1. Apply hydrogen peroxide with a sprayer over the entire surface of the mattress and leave it to act for 20 or 30 minutes.
  2. Then remove with a slightly damp cloth and let dry.

It is also possible to combine it with baking soda and a few drops of liquid detergent. To that solution you add a few drops of fabric freshener or some essential oil and follow the same procedure: spray, leave to act, clean with a cloth and dry. In addition to being clean, the mattress will have a pleasant fragrance.

  • Remove mattress stains with water and lemon

This homemade combination is very effective for the treatment of stains, especially urine, sweat or vomit stains, ideal for a children’s mattress.

You can also try a spray bottle filled with white vinegar. Both solutions are highly recommended for remove light stains from mattress.

In any case, try to ventilate the environment and let the mattress dry between 3 and 5 hours so that both the smell of lemon and vinegar disappear completely.

  • Remove mattress stains with detergents

If when thinking about how to clean a stained mattress none of these combinations convinces you, you can directly opt for liquid detergent. It is an excellent product for dry cleaning mattresses.

  1. All you have to do is wet a cloth and, once wet, apply a few drops of detergent.
  2. Rub the cloth over the entire surface of the mattress or specifically on the stain you want to remove.
  3. Then, rinse the area with a little water and wait until the surface is completely dry.

It may interest you: Whiten your mattress with this mixture of vinegar

How to eliminate the bad smell of the bed?

If he mattress smells bad, Don’t worry. Next, we will give you some recommendations. One of the main reasons why mattresses smell bad is because of the stains on them, To remove them you can use baking soda.

you just have to spread the powder all over the mattress and let it act for a few hours, then you can remove it using a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth. Before you do, make sure you dust it off. You can also take the opportunity to clean the box spring and leave everything as new.

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