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How to earn 500 or 1,000 euros net on your postal savings book in just 6 months

How to earn 500 or 1,000

To guarantee a profit with excess liquidity on the postal passbook, you can choose between postal vouchers or the Supersmart offer, for example. The latter is currently only asking for compliance with the 180-day bond, a short period of time after all. Let’s see how to do it.

The postal savings account is one savings instrument issued by CDP and distributed through the Poste Italiane channel. This special piggy bank allows you to perform various operations, including that of obtaining small gains with the liquidity present therein. So let’s see how to earn 500 or 1,000 euros net on the postal savings book.


These tools they are guaranteed by the Italian State and placed by Poste since 1875. The issuer offers it in different forms (paper and dematerialized) and types. In fact, we have the ordinary booklet, the Smart booklet, the judicial booklet and the one dedicated to minors.

The instrument allows its owner to pay (pension and salary, for example) and pick up in all post offices in the area. Furthermore, thanks to the booklet card or the BancoPosta app, you can withdraw directly, free of charge, from Postamat ATMs.

There are no opening or running costs annual (such as the monthly fee of the current account, for example) and closure the final. Exceptions are the charges of a fiscal nature, i.e the costs to be borne by the holder and to be paid not to the intermediary or issuer, but to the State. It’s about the 26% withholding tax on interest accrued and ofstamp duty in due cases and different (in the amount) for natural persons and legal persons.

The Smart booklet, in particular, is characterized by its higher level of remote operation and the possibility of earning money on restricted amounts.

The characteristics of the postal

How to earn 500 or 1,000 euros net on the postal savings book in this 2023?

Who subscribes to a Smart bookletindeed, can join the Supersmart offer. Broadly speaking, this is a provision that follows the philosophy of deposit accounts, even if it has its own dynamics and rules.

Over time, and based on market dynamics, the issuer proposes offers that vary in terms of rate and/or duration and/or conditions. At the beginning of 2023, the only one available is 180 dayswith annual interest rate gross at expiry of1.50%. The only required condition is given by the liquidity constraint (6 months in this case) and stop.

The only condition is the constraint of

Let’s now assume that we want to earn 500 or 1,000 euros net: how much capital should we commit to achieve one of the two results? You note the gross and net rate, the term of the commitment and the final profit, the only unknown factor is the starting capital. For simplicity of calculation we ignore the stamp duty.

That said, to obtain 500 euros net in 180 days, an initial bond of 91,350 euros is required. Therefore it will be enough to double the figure to achieve a net profit of one thousand euros.

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