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How to get started in communicating sustainability topics / An online seminar by the news aktuell Academy

news current Academy

Hamburg (ots)

Sustainability is the key future issue of our time. But the term is multifaceted. It is not always easy to prepare sustainability topics for the communication of companies and brands and to make them tangible. And so those responsible for communication and PR professionals are often faced with the challenge of translating political and social demands in a coherent way and recognizing and taking up relevant developments.

Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023, 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m

Why should companies engage in sustainability communication? And what does good communication of sustainability issues look like?

This webinar offers an introduction to professional sustainability communication. What opportunities and risks does the issue of sustainability hold? What pitfalls are lurking (keyword “greenwashing”)? How can this topic enrich your PR and public relations work? In this webinar, topic expert Inga Mücke explains what sustainability communication specifically includes, what stumbling blocks lurk and how the topic can be meaningfully integrated into one’s own PR and public relations work.


  • What is sustainability communication – and what is not?
  • Criteria for good sustainability communication
  • Attention, pitfalls! Avoid greenwashing
  • Suitable formats for PR and public relations work
  • Practical examples from companies
  • Outlook: trends in sustainability communication

The webinar is aimed at PR and communication managers from agencies, companies or organizations who have had little contact with the topic of sustainability communication and would like to get an initial overview.

The webinar speaker is Inga Mücke, who has been a consultant for PR, storytelling and branding for more than 15 years. She works for companies, organizations, agencies and independently in the fields of (green) tech, urban circular economy, art and culture, fashion, design, food and lifestyle. She also occasionally writes as a freelance writer. In January 2022 she founded, a co-creative communication network for PR, journalism and sustainability communication.

Key data for the online seminar This is how you get started with communicating sustainability issues

  • Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023, 09:30 – 11:00 a.m
  • Participation fee: 105 euros plus VAT / 124.95 euros including VAT.
  • Minimum group size to ensure implementation: 10 participants
  • Cancellation: possible free of charge up to 7 days before the date of the event

Here it goes registration.

More information about news current Academy.

Press contact:

Marcus Heumann, Head of the news aktuell Academy
Telephone: +49 40 / 4113 32845

Original content from: news aktuell Academy, transmitted by news aktuell

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