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How to get to work at Coca-Cola? Discover the Dream Leaders vacancies of 2023

To promote professional development, Coca Cola opened the call to enter the program Dream Leaders 2023which has several vacancies very attractive in commercial and marketing areas, offering a employment with two years of duration where you can make professional connections and networkingthis interests you!

In The Truth News We want to tell you that this company is characterized by its impressive advertising campaigns, but on this occasion, it launched “Let’s clean up Mexico for #UnMundoSinResiduos 2023”, with which it intends to involve citizens to care for and keep beaches and public spaces free of garbage.

Previously, we revealed how to get to work at Starlink, but now we tell you that if your profile does not meet the requirements of the job opportunities that we present to you, then you can go to the Employment Portal that the federal government makes available to you, just you have to click here to consult it.

What is the Coca-Cola Dream Leaders program?

Coca-Cola’s call will be open until May 17, 2023. Photo:

This initiative seeks to offer tools to prepare professionals who demonstrate a great passion for marketing, who will have a mentor who will guide them throughout the program, which will be available until May 17, so you should apply as soon as possible if you meet these requirements:

  • Reside in Mexico City or have the availability to move
  • 2 years of work experience
  • Have graduated before June 2023
  • Show talent during your career

If you are interested in receiving tutoring, classes and the possibility of obtaining an indefinite position in the company, you can enter this link to start the recruitment process.

It may interest you: How to get a job in the government? SEP launches 5 vacancies in CDMX.

When was Coca-Cola founded?

This company took its first steps in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886, when Dr. John Stith Pemberton created a syrup that was mixed with carbonated water, which he distributed in soda fountains for a price of 5 cents. the glass, being the accountant, Frank M. Robinson, who would give it the name we now know.

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