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How to make the ideal substrate for your indoor plants and save money

In recent years, indoor plants they began to gain greater popularity by bringing joy, color and even generating benefits in people’s health. Anyone who owns a specimen in their home wants it to look radiant, so the use of a vitamin substrate could help improve the strength of these. Even, you would not need to spend a fortune on a nursery, since it is possible to make a homemade one.

It is known that garden supplies can be somewhat expensive, as is the case with the soil with vitamins and minerals that is offered. Although the substrate that is a mixture of minerals that can convert the soil of the pot of your inside plants in the ideal soil so that the roots of the species always have contact with oxygen.

In this way, the special substrate for indoor plants they would have other benefits in addition to taking care of the pocket, because it is also more convenient to manufacture in large quantities and store it to have it ready at any time. Likewise, the specimens could enjoy the ingredients that it contains for a longer time and the risk of having contact with chemicals that are sometimes added would be avoided.

The homemade substrate can be mixed with common soil. Source: (Special)

The ingredients to make the substrate for indoor plants

  • Coconut fiber.
  • Vermiculite (grade 3 is recommended due to its size).
  • Sifted compost (it is also valid to use a homemade one).
  • Half or a cup of worm humus.

How to prepare the substrate for indoor plants

The first step to make our own homemade substrate will be to moisten the coconut fiber block. For this, it is recommended to use a little hot water, so that the natural strands hydrate faster. Once it is malleable, it will be necessary to separate the fibers with a rake.

It is recommended to store the substrate in a container with a lid, to prevent it from drying out. Source: (Special)

After preparing the coconut fiber, you have to add the rest of the ingredients (vermiculite, compost and worm humus). From there, what follows is to start mixing them together. A little water may be needed to keep the mixture moist and not make it difficult to mix.

Finally, if you have a pH meter, which can be obtained at hardware stores, it will be time to measure the level that the mixture has acquired. It is recommended that this has a value between 6.0 and 7.0, because it is usually the range that best suits indoor plants More popular.

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