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How to match on Tinder?: tips to quickly start meeting people

How to get matches on Tinder? Why don’t I have a quick match? How to get them for free? How long does it take to match on Tinder?

By iProfessional

02/18/2023 – 7:11 p.m.

The dating apps They revolutionized the way you look for a partner. So much so that terms like match, like and swipe are part of the vocabulary that emerged from the use of platforms such as Tinder, one of the most popular worldwide. Undoubtedly the key term and that everyone seeks to achieve when opening a profile is match. But, what is it and how to do to have a match on Tinder?

The first thing to say is that match is the action of liking with another user of the application. In order to achieve one, two users have to swipe right to give each other a like. Once this happens, then the two people are enabled to start sending each other messages through the chat of the app and get to know each other better.

How to get matches on Tinder?

To achieve matches on Tinder, the first thing to do is configure certain search settings for make it more in line with personal expectations and tastes.

This means determining a age range between the people you want to meet, as well as the location and the gender preferred (can be both). The more specific you are, the more it will suit personal taste, but also the fewer the possibilities.

Once the search settingsthe app will show different profiles according to the established preferences. The photos of people will appear on the device and You can give Like to those who are most attractive or interesting. For make a match on tinder it is necessary that the same person I also like your profile.

How to match on Tinder?: tips to quickly start meeting people

Why don’t I have a match on Tinder?

Days, weeks go by and the matches do not appear. It can be a distressing situation for someone who has started using Tinder and has not gotten any matches. Not to despair: most likely it is due to one of the main reasons why a profile may not have had matches.

The main one is related to the Profile pictures. The number of matches that someone gets on Tinder is largely related to the first photo that appears. For this reason, it is so important that you choose well which one to upload. It must be an image of the face, showing a smile, your eyes and without accessories such as sunglasses. In addition, the person must be the only one that appears in the photos, that is, they must not be surrounded by anyone so as not to cause confusion.

Another reason why the match is not achieved may be related to the description in bio. Most are limited to putting the age, where they live, sometimes they add the occupation but They do not make an effort to describe their tastes, their personality, or their interests. If you want to get matches, you have to dedicate time to put together an interesting profileas happens with the CV when looking to get a job.

How to get matches on Tinder for free?

The big question is whether it can be done. get matches having the free version of the app. And the answer is yes. Every time two people like each other, the application will notify them even if neither of them has a Premium version. Yes indeed: in version free it is not possible to see before which people liked a user. That is only reserved for those who pay a subscription

How long does it take to match on Tinder?

The duration of matches on Tinder is unlimited. That is, they are not deleted. Matched people never leave your contact list. If that happens, it could be for one of two reasons: they deleted their Tinder account or the person dumped the match.

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