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How to prevent skin cancer? Three actions that you must carry out yes or yes

During the season of summer 2023, ultraviolet radiation will register between high and extremely high levels, which definitely It will cause effects and damage to our body. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of ourselves and take precautions. On the contrary, we are more exposed to skin cancer.

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To avoid sun damage to skin cells, it is necessary to protect it during all months of the year. Considering that, Skin cancer cases have increased significantly in the world and in Peru, a country where 1,282 new cases have been registered according to the statistics of Globocan.

“Ultraviolet radiation, which damages the DNA of skin cells, is most intense between 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Submerging in the water can relieve the heat but it is not a solution, since the UV rays pass through it and are also reflected in it ”, explains Dr. Leonardo Peruilh, dermato-oncologist at the FALP Cancer Institute.

Precisely, to protect yourself from solar radiation and avoid skin injuries, the specialist explains the habits that must be carried out:

1. Self-examination of spots and moles

In order to be effective, it must be carried out systematically and following as a pattern what is known as the ABCDE rule, which will allow the detection of moles that it would be prudent to suspect when presenting anomalies in terms of characteristics such as asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolution.

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2. The use of sunscreen, with SPF equal to or greater than 30

For people with very white skin or very exposed to the sun for sports or work reasons, the ideal is to use a 50+ filter. At this time of year it is especially important to keep in mind its proper use: apply it 20 minutes before going out into the sun, and then reapply every 3 hours.

3. If outdoor activities are to be carried out, the necessary measures must be adopted

In addition to the use of sunscreen, they also include preferring shade, wearing UV filter glasses, hats that cover the face, ears and neck, and dark clothing with a tight weft.

“UV radiation is permanent and cumulative, therefore protection must be a permanent policy”, says the specialist.


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