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How to prevent urinary tract infections in summer? 5 tips you should follow

During the summer we are more exposed to contracting Urinary infections, it is a fact. Either due to excessive sweating due to the climate, the synthetic underwear that we usually wear, the constant visits to the beach or pool, or because in this season the frequency of sexual intercourse increases. The truth is that the bacteria and fungi They are there and in the slightest carelessness they will cause you diseases such as cystitis (urinary infection that affects the bladder).

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But don’t be alarmed, this infection is more common than you think. The treatment will require antibiotics, in most cases and the duration of this will depend on the situation of each patient.

“The frequent symptoms of a urinary infection or cystitis are a stinging and burning sensation when urinating, a heavy stomach, a constant urge to urinate and when you urinate you do it in small amounts. The important thing is that as soon as you feel the symptoms, go to the doctor ”, explains urologist Andrés Rodríguez.

The doctor recommends following these tips to prevent possible infection:

1. Avoid wet clothes

Do not stay for long periods of time with wet bathing clothes.

2. Wear cotton clothes

To avoid bacteria and moisture in the intimate area, wear cotton underwear and not so tight.

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3. Shower after the beach

After bathing in the sea or pool, take a bath. This way you will avoid irritations due to salt, sand or chlorine.

4. Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water! It will prevent germs from accumulating in the urinary tract.

5. Urinate after each intercourse

This will eliminate bacteria that may have passed into the urethra.


The towels you use to dry yourself after bathing (whether you’re at the beach, pool, or home) are personal. You should not share them with any member of your family.


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