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How to properly configure the screens for your children?

On the occasion of Safer Internet Day, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this Tuesday, a spotlight on a function that can reassure parents: control of children’s screen time on screens.

This Tuesday, February 7 celebrates the 20th anniversary of Safer Internet Day, a European day dedicated to safety on the Internet, applications and any other digital medium to which children in particular are exposed.

“Safer Internet Day is an opportunity for us to give young people a voice to talk about their favorite activities, their fears and above all to give them the opportunity to formulate their wishes to improve their online life”, explains Axelle Desaint, coordinator of Safer Internet Day in France and director of Internet without fear.

Enrollment in the school program

The Safer Internet Day now extends over a month with an entry in the school diaries. Actions are organized in establishments, meetings with digital experts to talk about good practices, cyberbullying and other subjects that affect adolescents in particular.

At the head of the operation in France, Internet without fear is a national digital awareness program operated by the Tralalere association. It covers an information platform, a resource center, a telephone number or even awareness-raising actions. There are advice on setting up applications and devices, interactive guides and prevention videos.

A study conducted on the occasion of the event on the evolution of parents’ view of their children’s online activities is made public. It shows in particular that 25% of the parents questioned think that the Internet is useless for their children, even anxiety-provoking. But the report also points out that 93% of them think they know everything about their child’s online activity and that everything is going well. “Parental support is just as necessary”, underlines Axelle Desaint.

Apple and Samsung in screen support and education

This is why the main smartphone manufacturers have also understood that they have a responsibility in the approach that parents and children have to screens. An awareness of the issues that also goes hand in hand with the presence of their products in young hands. At Apple, this takes the form of a session Today at Applefree sessions in Apple Stores to learn certain uses of home appliances.

The apple brand recently launched a thematic Your children and their devices which allows you to learn how to calmly configure iPhone, iPad or Mac so that they can be used in complete safety by children, supervised by their parents. An additional stone which is added to the multiple settings already possible to supervise screen time and uses.

My first phone, the platform designed by Tralalère and Samsung © Samsung-Tralalère

For its part, Samsung rolled out a few months ago “My first phone“, a platform to inform, educate and help parents and children face the first mobile device. It must be said that the average age of the first telephone among children is now 9.9 years and they are not necessarily equipped for the digital life Designed with Tralalère, My First Phone aims to give “the keys to enjoying your phone in complete safety”.

This involves a fun educational course so that children acquire the right reflexes through quizzes and challenges. For adults and teachers, educational resources are available (advice, practical sheets).

How to adjust the screen time of the child?

According to an IPSOS study for Samsung France, 80% of parents surveyed say they have already had a discussion with their child about the telephone. But more than one in two believe they do not have the necessary tools to do so. However, there are multiple settings integrated into the devices to ensure that the child uses his device well and is not at risk. And this often simply involves limiting screen time and settings. “But all of this must be done around an exchange on practices. You have to explain to the child what he can or cannot do, depending on his age. This should never be about punishment”, says Axelle Desaint.

If certain parental control applications exist, a list of which is provided by the e-Child protection associationsmartphones, PCs and tablets already have several features that are easy to activate.

On iPhone

Apple has the Screen Time feature. It allows everyone to be aware of their application consumption, the number of notifications received, the time spent in games or on social networks to sometimes better limit themselves. But it can also be used to give screen time to a child sparingly and in a controlled manner.

Apple allows you to know your screen consumption in duration and according to the applications or that of your child © Apple

He needs his own iCloud account, added to Family Sharing from the settings of the adult guardian. It will then be possible to set a daily time limit (duration or time slot to, for example, cut off use in the evening), choose the contacts authorized to exchange with the child, the applications and sites that can be consulted, but also to block in-app purchases and set restrictions. All according to his age or according to the choices of the parents by category.

Even if the device is in a restricted period, certain applications remain accessible (telephone, contact, Alarm, Message, etc.). A report is provided to know the use made by the child of his screens. Because the settings of an account apply to an iPhone as well as an iPad or a Mac used. Parents thus keep an eye on the device of the child who can use it without being constantly monitored.

On Android

Android devices also have a mode to better supervise use by a child. Some tablets even allow you to create a child account in parallel with that of adults in order to provide turnkey use, with applications already sorted and adapted, white lists of websites and the possibility of restricting screen time or hours of use.

The Family Link application makes it possible to better secure and manage a child’s account © Google

Just go to the device settings and the “Digital wellbeing and parental controls” part to set the permissions. But it will be easier to manage everything through the application Google Family Link (also available on iOS). After creating a Google account for the child, it allows you to set the time of use on tablet, smartphone and Chromebook, define the applications authorized or not.

On Windows PC

Strictly speaking, there are no settings on computers running Windows 10 or 11. Microsoft has opted for an online portal from which it is possible to configure the parameters of your PCs and therefore to set the settings for the children, including screen time with time slots spread over the day or the week, authorized websites, games or devices to which it can connect. The app Microsoft Family Safety also combines these same functions by also adding the location of family members who have the application on their smartphone.

On game console

Microsoft designed the app Xbox Family Settings to manage child profiles on consoles Xbox. And as on a smartphone, it is possible to give him play time, establish a schedule, filter authorized content, purchases, contacts and access to different chats, depending on his age. Parents can get a report of the child’s console usage and even apply the settings to a Windows PC.

For the PS4 and PS5, you have to go through the PlayStation App to set play times, age-based access to games and chat or possibly block purchases. Sony also provides a dashboard and report if needed.

On nintendo-switch, you can manage the screen time granted to the child from the console (Settings/Parental Controls) or from the much more complete Nintendo Switch Parental Controls application. The latter allows you to set the level of restriction, time, access to the store, sharing on networks, etc. Be aware, however, that fixed screen time applies to the Switch, not to any particular profile. You must then know the code to deactivate the function.

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