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How to put hair conditioner? Definitely not this way, if you want it to work!

How to apply hair

There is nothing more pleasant in winter than a nice hot shower. But in the shampoo ritual, are you sure you’re following each step in the right way? Think of conditioner: it was born with the purpose of detangling and softening hair. If you often struggle in this endeavor, perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Applying the conditioner seems like a pretty simple thing, in reality few people know that there are some rules to follow in order for it to work. So here’s how to say goodbye to frizz.

Where do you put hair conditioner

If you are wondering how much conditioner to usewhether you have gray, blonde, curly or straight hair, you need to know that this depends very from the length of the yours hair. In fact, long hair will need a greater amount of conditioner. One thing you can start doing, though, is to stop applying it to your roots. These tend to accumulate fat and sebum more easily, produced by the scalp, so you don’t need to help it by putting more fat on the skin. Then make sure you let it work at least a couple of minutes, before rinsing. So far so good, but there is one mistake that everyone makes in the shower and that makes the effect of the conditioner useless.

Apply the balm and leave it to

How to apply hair conditioner to remove the straw effect

In winter it is difficult to shampoo with cold water. For this we recommend, at the very least, to use warm water, to prevent the hair fiber from being damaged by excessive heat. We bet that you too, like many of us, apply conditioner immediately after rinsing out the shampoo. Here, stop doing that! Before applying the balm it’s always better wring out the hair oreven better, dab them with a towel. This why water in excess dilutes the product, making it less effective. Then apply the conditioner from the mid-lengths of the hair to the ends.

How to replace it with a DIY remedy

And if you run out of conditioner? In this case, no problem, there are many natural remedies against dry hair. Prepare a compound based on pulp of banana, oil olive, honey And vinegar. With these ingredients you will still be able to obtain a shiny and soft hair. Self instead of conditioner you prefer use one mask, remember to leave it on for longer and not to abuse it: the hair would feel weighed down as the days go by. to lay it down, better to proceed in strandsto make sure you have reached all the hair.

We proceed to

To complete the treatment, rinse your hair with cold water, which will close the cuticles and hold the nourishment in the fibers. Here’s how to put conditioner on your hair to keep it hydrated and shiny and say goodbye to the frizz effect that appears immediately after styling. Don’t forget to moisturize and nourish your hair with dry lotions and creams as well. Your hair will thank you!

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