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How to quit smoking? Coahuilenses are the ones who google the most on the subject

In the most recent 90-day period, Coahuila has positioned itself as the most searched Mexican entity “how to stop to smoke?” via Google.

Coahuila, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Guanajuato and Veracruz make up the ranking of the five states that have shown the most interest in the subject, at least on the Internet, according to statistics from Google Trendsa digital platform that analyzes searches by temporalities.

In contrast, Querétaro, Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Nuevo León and Puebla, are the entities that have inquired the least about the indicated question. Meanwhile, some states do not even appear in the metrics from Google because their searches have been null.

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The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) points out that in Mexico there are around 16 million smokers and that every day more than 173 people die from diseases associated with smoking.

For this reason, on December 16, 2022, the Official Gazette of the Federation published the new guidelines in the Regulations of the General Law for Tobacco Control, which entered into force throughout the Mexican territory as of December 15. January 2023.

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The objective of the reforms is to expand the protection of the health of the population, particularly children, against exposure to tobacco smoke.

Among the adjustments are: zero exposure and advertising of products made with tobacco at points of sale, a greater number of public spaces free of smoke and emissions, and not providing food service in smoking areas inside restaurants.

Establishments violate the prohibition of allowing their customers to smoke on terraces and patios.

Faced with the constant question that appears in Google search engines, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), applies psychological and pharmacological therapy to patients in order to solve emotional problems, and through chewing gum and patches with nicotine supplements, it seeks avoid withdrawal syndrome.

Likewise, the use of anxiolytics and antidepressants is used, which constitute a support in the process of quitting smoking in the stress stage experienced by those who are exposed to quitting tobacco.

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