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How to remove oil from the avocado pepa? It is a rich source of natural collagen that prevents aging

With the passing of the years, the body is experiencing different changes in health. Experts say that after 25 years you start producing less collagen, which causes signs of age to appear, such as wrinkles and lines of expression.

The science of beauty is always evolving and one of the latest trends is the use of collagen peptides. These peptides are the basic components of collagen, a protein found in our skin, hair and nails.

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Collagen is responsible for giving our skin its elasticity and strength and, as we age, our natural production of collagen decreases, which can cause wrinkles and other signs of aging, as published Organixx.

Using it topically, could contribute to attenuating these signs of aging like wrinkles on the skin. Photo: Istock

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However, collagen peptides can help increase collagen production, which results in firmer and smoother skin.

A food known to stimulate natural collagen production is avocado. Aguacates are a source of healthy fats and nutrients that help keep our skin hydrated and nourished.

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In addition to being a good source of collagen, avocados also contain vitamin C and vitamin E, which are essential for collagen production.

Eaten regularly, avocados can help keep our skin looking young and radiant. Thanks to its anti-aging benefits, it is not surprising that avocados are sometimes called “Botox de la naturaleza”.

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Does the avocado have collagen?

If avocados do not necessarily contain collagen, they are a great source of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. It also contains a compound called lupeol, which has been shown to increase natural collagen.

Therefore, eating avocado in the soil helps to keep your skin looking its best, but it also helps to promote collagen production.

With the oil you can make masks. Photo: Istock

avocado oil

Are you not a fan of eating avocado? No problem! You can also get your collagen source from avocado oil. Avocado oil contains high levels of lupeol, as well as other compounds that have been shown to increase collagen production, such as vitamin C.

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How to remove oil from the avocado pepa?

The avocado oil is obtained from the semilla. To obtain said acceptance, you must:

  • Rallar la semilla, con el fin de obtener unas hojuelas.
  • Mix with six tablespoons of almond oil.
  • Licuar y finally paste the mixture.

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How to apply avocado oil collagen?

A few drops of this avocado seed oil should be applied all over the face, making emphasis where the wrinkles or lines of expression are most noticeable.

The treatment can be combined with anti-aging facial messages to promote collagen in the skin and thus attenuate the signs of age.

A few drops of this avocado seed oil should be applied all over the face. Photo: Istock

How to produce collagen through avocado sheets?


  • Five leaves of avocado
  • One spoonful of aloe vera
  • a glass of water

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A las hojas del aguacate también se les puede take out taste. Photo: Istock


  • Prepare an infusion with five sheets of avocado and a glass of water.
  • Mix the ingredients with the aloe vera.
  • Apply on a clean face and let it act for 15 minutes.
  • When the time has elapsed, wash the skin with cold water. The procedure can be repeated twice a week.


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