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How to take care of the battery of your iPhone since you just bought it?

The iphone they are excellent high-end devices, so their price is justified in a way. However, the most delicate part it has is the battery and if it is not taken care of well it could start to fail prematurely.

The average life of the batteries of all cell phones is two years, but when they are used improperly (waiting for a full discharge or charging overnight) they accelerate the damage.

And we don’t want that to happen to iphone that you just bought, so following the advice that the portal shared M.D. Tech we show you in The Truth News how to take care of it

What you should do to take care of your iPhone battery

Set your iPhone to take care of the battery.

To prevent the battery of your iPhone do not suffer so much damage you can change the settings so that it takes better care of the charge of the Apple device. One of the ways to do this is to reduce excessive battery consumption:

  1. Go to iPhone Settings
  2. Go to “Accessibility”
  3. There you will find the “Movement” option
  4. Subsequently, go to “Vision”
  5. You must deactivate:
  • reduce movement
  • Automatic effects on messages
  • Auto play videos
  • limit frame rate

Also, do not forget that it is better to fully charge the iPhone once a dayif you connect it several times it is also damaged.

It may interest you: Avoid damaging the battery of your Android cell phone with this incredible trick

What is the iPhone that lasts the longest?

The iPhone Pro Max is the one with the best battery.

So far in 2023, it is considered that The iPhone cell phone that has the best battery is the iPhone 14 Pro Maxit can last up to 29 hours in video and 95 hours in audio as it reveals Movistar.

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