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HRW alert for AMLO’s failed militarization strategy

CDMX.- The Human Right Watch (HRW) organization warned this Thursday in its World 2023 report of the increase in violence in Mexico that is being fought with failed militarization strategies implemented by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“Since the start of the ‘war’ against organized crime in 2006, violent crime rates have suffered a drastic increase in Mexico, and reached historic levels during the government of the current President, who took office in December 2018,” he said.

“The problem has worsened while the ruler has deepened his failed militarization strategies.”

The organization noted that while authorities often attribute this violence to criminal cartels, most crimes go uninvestigated and those responsible are never identified or prosecuted.

“The levels of violent crimes have reached historic highs under the López Obrador Presidency. The homicide rate was 28 homicides per 100,000 in 2021,” he said.

“Around 90 percent of crimes are never reported, one-third of reported crimes are never investigated, and just under 16 percent of investigations are “resolved” (either in court, through mediation, or through some form of compensation), meaning authorities solved just over 1 percent of all crimes committed in 2021, according to the national statistics agency.”

Violence against journalists and activists

HRW said that journalists and human rights defenders in Mexico often face attacks, harassment and surveillance by government authorities and criminal groups.

“From January to September 2022, 15 journalists were killed. In the first half of 2022, Article 19 recorded 331 threats, attacks, or other forms of aggression against journalists. Many journalists censor themselves,” the agency concluded.

“Mexico is also one of the most dangerous countries in the world for human rights defenders. In the first six months of 2022, 12 human rights defenders were killed, according to the “Cerezo Committee” human rights groups.

Policies against migrants

The organization highlighted that President López Obrador has collaborated with the US government in implementing abusive policies in order to prevent migrants from traveling through Mexico to reach the United States.

“López Obrador has intensified efforts to prevent migrants from traveling through Mexico to reach the US. He has deployed nearly 30,000 soldiers to enforce immigration law,” HRW condemned.

In the Government of López Obrador, stricter visa rules and other new entry requirements have been imposed on travelers from Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia, the agency highlights.

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