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Hugin Download – Create panoramic images for free

With Hugin Download you create for free impressive panoramic photos from a series of individual shots – without any ugly transitions.

However, the open-source software is not only suitable for panoramas, it can also assemble large mosaics from individual images and combine focus and exposure series. Thanks to automatic corrections, this often happens without much effort. The software is currently available in version 2022.0.

Hugin for Windows

Hugin Download & Install

Hugin works on Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 (64-bit only). Older program packages for users with 32-bit OS (from Windows XP) can be found on the project page. The software can also be downloaded there for Mac OS and Linux.

In just a few steps to the finished panorama

Hugin is a graphical user interface for a number of different panorama tools and is intended to make them easier to use. In the past, the software was considered complicated and not very user-friendly, but the developers have improved it significantly in recent years so that even beginners can now easily generate panorama images with it. Since the software reads relevant data such as the focal length from the source files, it does most of the work automatically. Hugin creates its own control points and uses them to automatically align the loaded images. In addition, colors, exposure and vignetting are automatically corrected. However, all steps can also be carried out manually or corrected afterwards.

Hugin saves finished panorama images in the file formats TIFF, JPEG or PNG. There are also other output options, such as HDR panoramas, spherical panoramas, focus stacks or exposure levels.

hugin alternative

For example, there is a very powerful, although not free, alternative for creating panorama photos Panorama Studiowhich can even create interactive panoramas.

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