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Human remains found near Australian military helicopter crash site

Human remains found near Australian military helicopter crash site

Drafting.- The Australian authorities reported on Thursday the discovery of human remains near the place where a helicopter with four soldiers on board crashed last Friday when they were carrying out maneuvers in the northeast of the country.

A remote-controlled underwater vehicle, involved in the recovery efforts, “has observed unidentified human remains” near the crash site, Australian armed forces head of joint operations Greg Bilton told reporters in Brisbane.

“Due to the nature of the debris field, it is unlikely that an identification will take place until we recover more remains,” the military high command specified in a transcript of their statements published on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

In these operations, teams have also recovered pieces of the crashed MRH-90 Taipan helicopter, including parts of the cockpit and fuselage.

The helicopter was flying over the Whitsundays Islands with four soldiers on board as part of night maneuvers as part of the Talisman Saber 2023 military exercises, which conclude this Friday, with the participation of some 30,000 troops from 13 countries, including Australia and the US. .

As a result of the accident, an investigation was initiated and forced the entire fleet of 45 MRH-90 Taipan to be grounded.

In March, around 10 people survived another accident involving an MRH 90 helicopter that crashed into water in Jervis Bay, almost 200 kilometers north of Sydney, in an incident that occurred two months after the Australian government announced it would replace its current fleet with 40 Black Hawks.

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