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“I am a lady and I am going to be selling my virginity for four million dollars”

"I am a lady and I am going to be selling my virginity for four million dollars"

To those who thought they had already seen what he is capable of Seidy The Girlthe Cuban singer has surprised you again with her latest statements.

The “Mulatica” singer revealed in a recent interview for the YouTube program “Destino Tolk” that has never had sexual relations and plans to sell her virginity for a considerable amount.

“I am a lady and I am going to be selling my virginity for four million dollars”assured the artist before the incredulous gaze of the presenters Destino Positivo and Fernan.

In the singer’s opinion, this is the best way to take advantage of your virginityand clarified that he has had several relationships, but none have become sexual.

Despite the apparent seriousness with which Seidy approached the topic, many of his followers on the networks doubt that it is true and think that it is another strategy to attract attention.

Just a few days ago the artist said that she was thinking about selling the thong that she will wear at her next concert, and assured that she already He has an offer of $2,000 for this one..

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