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I am a woman, should I worry about ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is one of the leading causes of death from cancer of gynecological origin in the world, therefore, it is of great importance to learn more about this disease, to know how it manifests itself, what risk factors exist and, above all, to do awareness of the importance of taking care of our health in an integral way, indicates the Dr. Miguel Corres Molina, gynecologist oncologist at the ABC Medical Center.

The woman has two ovaries, that is, glands in which the ovules are formed and which have the size and shape of an almond. Thus, the ovarian cancer It refers to an abnormal growth of the cells that make up these organs, multiplying rapidly and invading and destroying healthy tissues in other areas, depending on the stage in which it is found.

When talking about cancers of the female reproductive system, the most frequent in Mexico is cervical cancer, followed by endometrial cancer and in third place is ovarian cancer, but the latter is the type of cancer that causes the most deaths. Pay attention to what follows!

How does ovarian cancer manifest itself?

There are different types of ovarian cancerthe epithelial is the most common but others such as germinal and stromal can also occur.

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The difficulty in achieving an early diagnosis and not in advanced stages, as is the case in reality, is related to the lack of symptoms that can occur during the initial stages of ovarian cancer, or that these, when notorious, become confused. with other types of diseases since they are very non-specific symptoms such as:

  • Abdominal distension (swollen abdomen).
  • Pain in the pelvis or abdomen.
  • Difficulty eating.
  • Feeling of rapid filling during the meal.
  • Increased urgency or frequency to urinate.
  • abnormal bleeding

The presence of one or more of these symptoms is not directly related to ovarian cancer, but if they are perceived on several occasions throughout the month, it is best to see your doctor for a more specific review.

Risk factors for ovarian cancer

There are various situations, some preventable and others not, that can generate a greater risk in the appearance of ovarian cancer, says Dr. Corres, among these are included:

  • Age. The risk of suffering from this disease increases with age, it is frequently diagnosed in women over 50 years of age.
  • Family background. Having family members who have had ovarian, breast, or colorectal cancer increases the risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Overweight or obesity. Having a weight above the recommended for your body has been associated with an increased risk of suffering from different types of cancer, including ovarian cancer.
  • Pregnancy. Women who go on to have children after the age of 35 or who never had children are also at higher risk.
  • Hormone therapy. After menopause, estrogens can be used to combat symptoms, but it also increases the risk of ovarian cancer.

How is ovarian cancer diagnosed?

To date, the cancer associations in the world and in Mexico have not identified an infallible screening test for the detection of ovarian cancer, as in other tumors where mammography or Papanicolaou exist, so the only screening tool opportune detection that counts is the directed interrogation and in the cases of suspicion of hereditary cancer the performance of genetic tests.

According to this, the gynecologist will continuously analyze the different risks that can trigger the appearance of ovarian cancer. For example, she must know the family history, if the patient has symptoms or not, if she smokes, know her age and habits, what other conditions she has, if any, in addition to knowing the medications and treatments she follows.

To simplify the idea of ​​risk stratification, Dr. Corres points out that it is like having a list of issues and adding positive or negative points depending on each relevant characteristic. Once the result is obtained, the doctor will assess the next steps to follow and that can range from doing nothing because everything is in order to requesting specific studies such as:

  • Pelvic exam. Through touch and visual examination, the doctor will be able to identify lumps or alert areas in the female reproductive system.
  • Blood test. They may include tests of organ function or tumor markers to detect proteins that are often found on the surface of ovarian cancer cells.
  • Surgery. Sometimes the doctor cannot be sure of the diagnosis and surgery may be necessary to remove and examine the ovary.
  • Genetic tests. Another type of blood test detects changes in genes, which can increase the risk of ovarian cancer.
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Is ovarian cancer curable?

Behind the ovarian cancer diagnosis, the doctor will point out what stage it is in, for example, at an early stage, the cancer is found only in the affected ovary; in the advanced stage the cancer has spread to nearby organs such as the uterus or intestine; and in a metastatic stage, the cancer has reached the liver, lungs, or central nervous system.

Dr. Corres comments that, if an early diagnosis is achieved, there is a 90% chance of achieving a satisfactory recovery, while in a metastatic stage the chances decrease.

Choosing the right treatment for ovarian cancer

The mere idea of ​​having cancer can be a great concern for everyone, and although in the metastatic stage ovarian cancer has a low chance of survival, if it can be detected at an early stage, the chances are very high.

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Although there are different options for ovarian cancer treatment, the choice of these will depend on the stage of the condition. Depending on this, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery can be used and rarely radiotherapy; but it is important that you know that the choice of one or more will depend on the situation of each patient, so it is always important that you maintain close communication with your doctor and, above all, that you go to specialized places so that you have the best treatment options. treatment.

He ABC Cancer Center addresses this condition involving different specialists, using state-of-the-art equipment and tools so that the unique characteristics of each person’s condition are known and thus be able to offer personalized therapeutic options.

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