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I am pregnant, how can I prevent heat stroke?

The high temperatures of the summer can cause serious health problems for pregnant women, a situation that can worsen if it is not attended to on time and accordingly. The Dr. Raúl Alegría, obstetrician-gynecologist and head of the high-risk service at the Guillermo Almenara Hospital of the Social Health Security (EsSalud), gives us some recommendations to avoid complications in this situation.

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“Going through heat stroke could even be fatal for the pregnant mother, considering that her body temperature tends to rise naturally. If we add to this risk factors such as an ambient temperature greater than 30°, the woman will begin to feel fatigue, a sensation of thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, muscle weakness, and loss of consciousness.”warned the specialist.

One of the main recommendations is lay the pregnant woman down, place cold cloths on her forehead and ventilate the environment. “If the condition persists, it should be taken to a tertiary or highly complex health center”added the doctor.

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for a pregnant woman water is not enough. It is recommended that you consume rehydrating drinks since, through sweat, electrolytes such as sodium or potassium are also lost. You can take between one and three liters a day, in addition to plain water”suggested the doctor.


These effects are not only suffered by the mother, but also by her baby. That is why the recommendations of the obstetrician Pilar Cordova:

♦Avoid exposing yourself during peak heat hoursthat is, between noon and 3:00 pm And if the pregnant woman is working, she must be kept in a ventilated environment.

♦It is best to wear loose-fitting cotton or chiffon blouses, fresh and wide pants to dress. No synthetic clothing is recommended. Yes, light colors, because they generate less thermal sensation, wide-shaped shoes and soft soles.

♦Allied upgrades are fruitsmainly the consumption of melon and watermelon.


It should be considered that the pregnant woman is carrying more weight, starting with the baby, the larger breasts, the larger uterus, as well as the placenta and amniotic fluid. If we add all of this we have an approximate of six to seven kilos in addition to her body weight that tend to rise during pregnancy.


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