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I am running to be President for everyone, not for half the country

I am running to be President for everyone, not for half the country

Before thousands of attendees at the Republican National Convention on its final day, the former president gave a conciliatory speech without changing the firmness of his convictions and his plans for all Americans.

Trump’s speech was the closing speech of the four-day convention in Milwaukee. Upon entering the hall, Trump stood to cheers and applause of USA, USA, USA! and fight, fight, fight! Many of the attendees wore a patch similar to the Republican leader’s on their right ear as a symbol of solidarity for having survived the attack and empathy with Trump’s tenacious fight against those who wish to destroy the prosperity and leadership of the United States in the world.

“I’ve never been more proud to be a Trump. This is a man who has defied everything with dedication and courage,” his son said moments before his father spoke to the crowd.

Melania Trump attended her husband’s speech and sat next to vice presidential candidate JD Vance. At the end, she took the stage to congratulate her life partner.

“In less than four months we will have the best victory possible, the one we have fought for these many years. I bring you a message of confidence and unity. I am running to be the president of ALL Americans, not half the country. That is why I am accepting to be the Republican candidate for President,” said an emotional Trump.

Trump talks about the attack

“I thank the American people for their messages of love and support after Saturday’s attack.” And he explained how he perceived the event.

“It was a warm, beautiful day. I went on stage and everyone was happy. I started to speak energetically because I was giving figures about my management and my successful immigration policy. Suddenly I heard a whistle and felt the impact on my ear, I put my hand and there was blood. The Secret Service agents threw themselves on top of me to protect me and I felt safe because I knew that God was by my side,” said the former tenant of the White House.

“No one moved. Many thought I was dead. That crowd never left me and they were still there. I shouldn’t have been here tonight,” he said.

“But I am here before you by the grace of Almighty God. Many say it was a providential moment. No one knew what had happened and I raised my arm to let them know I was alive and I said fight, fight! Then there was an incredible roar of love for the country: USA, USA! I will never forget it.

Trump honored firefighter Corey Comperatore who died defending his family during the attack. He praised the man who served as a human shield to protect his family from bullets. What a wonderful man!

The former president placed his hand on the firefighter’s suit and helmet sent to him by the department where he worked and paid tribute to him. Trump has raised more than six million dollars for the family. “I know this money is not going to bring back his precious life, but take it as a thank you,” he told his wife. He then asked for a minute of silence in his honor.

“Our resolve is unwavering. Nothing will stop me, we will not be defeated, and I will never stop fighting for you and our great country. I promise you this tonight. We will get this country back on track quickly.”

“We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. We cannot demonize our political differences and the Department of Justice must stop persecuting people for their political beliefs.”

“I am the one who is saving democracy for the people of our country.” We are going to win, Trump emphasized and acknowledged and thanked his wife Melania for sending a letter of unity to the entire country. He also thanked the entire family and his 10 grandchildren.

Trump-Vance Formula

Trump called his “incredible vice president. He’s going to be a great vice president to make America great again. It’s been an honor to select him and you’re going to be doing this for a long time, so enjoy it, Vance.”

“I’m Here to reach out to all Americans and walk together“We did a great job during my last term, but we have received little credit for it.”

“Under my leadership, we will restore this nation’s respect in the eyes of the world. This will be the most important election. We now have a nation in decline, with an economy crushing Americans and an illegal immigration crisis imposing suffering. America has never been seen like this.”

“We’re going to lower interest rates, we’re going to lower the cost of energy, and we’re going to drill, we’re going to drill! We’re going to stop prices from rising. We’re going to cut taxes. I cut taxes, and the next year the results were incredible. Hundreds of billions of dollars of investment came back into our country.”

“I’m going to close the border and tighten security. I’m going to finish the wall and we’re not going to let this invasion of immigrants continue to hurt Americans and our entire country. He then referred to the war in Ukraine and said that it should never have happened. We’re going to stop this war.”

“What this administration has done and the damage it has done is horrific. The damage Biden has done to this country is unthinkable. Just four years ago, we had a great economy, no inflation, the world was at peace, and now the opposite is happening. Inflation is destroying countries and in less than four years our adversaries have turned our success into a huge failure.”

“We now have the great cities of this country filled with immigrants and homeless people on the streets. Under a substantial increase in violence and crime. Inflation has destroyed the savings of Americans, when four years ago we were a great nation. But we will have a great nation again,” he said.

The immediate future

“I humbly say to you, be excited about the future of our country and what we’re going to do,” Trump said.

“In a few months we will be back in the White House. From day one we will lower prices, people cannot live like this. Food prices have gone up 40%, gasoline 50%. Housing costs have gone up $28,000 for each family.”

“This is the only government that has wanted to quadruple taxes, I have never seen that before,” said the former president.

“Very soon we will have energy dominance and we will reduce the debt of 36 billion dollars with higher import tariffs and increased exports.”

Trump called green energy policies a fallacy and said that all that money “is going to be invested in the future and well-being of the country and I’m going to end these electric vehicle mandates from day one.”

“We’re going to bring back great, traditional auto manufacturing in America, and our people are going to work in these factories. So many countries have taken advantage of us and left the American people at a loss. We’re not going to let them steal our jobs. If they want to sell here, they’re going to have to manufacture here in America. It’s a very simple formula. We’re going to rescue the jobs that have gone to China and other places, and we’re going to rescue the auto industry; we’re going to eliminate tip taxes.”

Immigration and peace

“But unless we stop the illegal invasion, we will not be able to move forward in our dreams. This government will bankrupt health services, Medicaid and Medicare, as well as Social Security, with the entry of millions of illegals.”

“We are going to close the border. We want people to come to this country, but legally. I gave this government the safest border in the world and they destroyed it. There is this immigration graph, the last time I talked about it I couldn’t finish. That graph shows the lowest number of illegal immigrants entering our border in history, we fought criminal gangs, human trafficking, drug trafficking. This government destroyed all my work.”

“It took 93 executive orders to pulverize our work. What we have now is an invasion from all over the world. Many countries are releasing their criminals to send them to our country, from mental hospitals they send them here. We have become the dumping ground of the world, the laughing stock of the world, but that will not last long. In Venezuela, crime has dropped by 72%, because they are sending their murderers to North America.”

“We will launch the largest deportation program in the country. I will not let these murderers walk free in our country.”

“We will bring stability to the world. Under my rule there was not a single war, under my rule Russia took nothing and now we have a world falling apart and Russia advancing in Ukraine and allying itself with China. We stopped North Korea’s missile launches and now they are doing so without restraint. Now Iran is on the verge of making nuclear weapons. Our political adversaries turned a world of peace into a world of war.”

The former president referred to the failure of the exit from Afghanistan and the destabilization in the world that the Joe Biden government has created. “Today, Afghanistan is one of the largest arms sellers in the Middle East, they sell our weapons, the ones we left them. Now China surrounds Taiwan and Russia and China have nuclear submarines 90 miles from here. They have done all this because of the lack of leadership in the White House.”

Road to triumph

“With our victory in November, the years of war and chaos will come to an end. I stopped wars with phone calls, because if you say the right thing in the right way, you prevent wars. We will replenish our military defenses and strengthen our army.”

“We are going to restore beauty to the cities of our country, including Washington, where tourists now come and are assaulted.”

“Tonight we’re talking about renewing what we love, and that’s called America,” Trump said.

“Nothing and no one is going to stop the great MAGA movement. We now have the largest movement in the history of the country. It’s not about me, it’s about you. It’s time to demand tireless, unstoppable leadership. As long as we waste energy fighting each other in our country, we’re not going anywhere. We have to channel our energies into the good for all, into the good and future for the United States, and above all with great devotion to God.”

We have to unite, we have to be one people, a single nation to worship a single flag. Every day I will honor the trust you have placed in me. Let’s move forward and together we will win, win, win!

“Nothing will stop us and no one will stop us. No matter what dangers we face, we will not fail. Together, we will save this country and establish a republic with the future that Americans deserve. We will Make America Great Again,” Trump concluded.

(email protected)

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