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I call for the vote to be respected

I call for the vote to be respected

MIAMI — After the polls closed, opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez issued a message in which she declared herself the winner of the presidential elections.

Gálvez is the presidential candidate of the coalition made up of the PAN, PRI and PRD parties.

“I had told them for months that we were going to win these elections despite all the traps, all the lies, despite all the abuse of power and their millions of pesos diverted to help their candidate; Also, I make a respectful and energetic call to President López Obrador to respect the vote of Mexicans,” added Gálvez, reports the newspaper Excelsior.

Gálvez made a broadcast through social networks. He said they have had an extraordinarily high turnout. “It has been moving to see the long lines of citizens waiting for hours under the sun to vote. I myself spent three hours lined up at my polling station to be able to vote.”

The presidential candidate asked the representatives of the parties that support her candidacy not to leave the polling stations until the vote count is finished and the minutes are received, as well as to guard and accompany all the electoral packages until they are delivered to the district committee. .

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She thanked Mexicans for voting for her and the election officials.

He emphasized taking care of the vote. “Let us not forget, we are competing against authoritarianism and power and they are capable of anything.”

He said that participation was greater than 80% in some polls. “I make a respectful and energetic call to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to respect the vote of Mexicans.”

He also announced that despite having data that reveals his victory, he will wait for the official results from the National Electoral Institute (INE) “simply to ratify this victory.”

Official candidate remains silent

The official candidate Claudia Sheinbaum chose not to make statements until she had official results. In his place, after closing the polls, the president of the Morena party spoke, Mario Delgado, who assured that his exit polls give a “very wide advantage, two to one difference.”

“There is no doubt about the triumph of Claudia Sheinbaum,” Delgado said in a message to the press. “Claudia Sheinbaum will be the first female president in our history and in North America,” she added.

For the political leader, Sheinbaum “represents the irrefutable triumph of women to leave machismo behind.”

The preliminary count will begin at 8 pm local (0200 GMT), one hour after the total closure of the polls in Mexico.

Exit polls

Leftist candidate Claudia Sheinbaum won the presidential election in Mexico, according to three exit polls released this Sunday night.

According to the Enkoll firm, Sheinbaum, 61, obtained 57.8% of the votes against 29.1% for the center-right Xóchitl Gálvez and 11.4% for Jorge Alvarez Máynez (center). Two other polls by the media Televisa and El Financiero project Sheinbaum as a “winner”, without yet revealing percentages.

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