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“I came to this country to move forward and succeed, and I know I will achieve it.”

"I came to this country to move forward and succeed, and I know I will achieve it."

A Cuban woman from Miami has shared her experience looking for a job in the United States on TikTok, confessing the challenges she is facing.

In her video, user @teresitaoterohern confesses that she thought she would find work quickly after arriving in the United States, but she soon found herself in a different situation.

One of the main obstacles has been the clash with the language, since the linguistic barrier makes communication and understanding difficult. The lack of references is another of the problems mentioned, since without people who can recommend you, the job search becomes more complicated.

Additionally, upon arriving at the locations they often send you to apply online, which means spending hours sending applications to all possible jobs. “It’s not as easy a process as I thought, but it’s not impossible. You can achieve what takes time.”he says in his video.

The young Cuban woman also says that, after days and nights applying for various positions, all she receives are rejection emails and messages indicating that they are looking for people with specific characteristics or a perfect command of English.

“A thousand obstacles stand in your way, making your progress difficult and making the process even more frustrating. But I have not lost faith. I came to this country to move forward and succeed, and I know that at some point I will achieve it. Much strength to those who are going through the same thing.”he added.

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