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"I come to help, Justice for Fernando": the phrase of the rugby player who testifies as a witness

The trial for the murder of Fernando Báez Sosa, and at the hearing on Monday two young people who were vacationing in Villa Gesell together with the now eight defendants were summoned to testifyand that at first they were also arrested but as the case progressed, they were dismissed due to lack of evidence against them.

“I come to help, Justice for Fernando”were the words of Juan Pedro Guarino, who was a friend of the rugby players and was very close to them when the Báez Sosa crime occurred. He said it upon arrival and before entering the Dolores court, words that drew attention and ignited expectations for what he will reveal in his statement on the witness stand.

For his part, the prosecutor Juan Manuel Davilaassured in his admission to the courts that the statement of both young people “It is under oath of law, they have the obligation to tell the truth”. In turn, Dávila added: “They are witnesses who have never declared, we do not know what they can say. They are not essential witnesses, nor were Guarino, Milanesi or (Tomás) Colazzo –another witness- offered by the prosecution for strategic reasons”.

Sources close to the prosecution told telam that Guarino and Milanesi will face a “very delicate” statement, since when they are called as witnesses they have the obligation to tell the truth and with their statements they could incriminate their friends or self-incriminatee, which would force the court to suspend their testimonies since no one is obliged to testify against himself.

“They will have to move on a very fine margin, between telling the truth and not harming their friends and not giving false testimony”, speculated a spokesman with access to the cause. Another key witness of the day will be Tomás Ítalo Colazzo, a friend of the defendants and who was identified as “suspect number 11” by the lawyer Fernando Burlando, who represents the parents of Báez Sosa as injured individuals.

“In the case of Colazzo, it is also a complex situationfor the same reasons as the two young people who were dismissed, to which is added that he was never part of the case, never gave a statement or was questioned or intervened in the framework of a legal action that can be emotionally demanding,” he explained. to Télam the judicial spokesman.

The list of witnesses includes Santino Franco Massagli, José Aníbal Leguiza and Juan Ignacio Neme Correa, three friends of Blas Cinalli, one of the eight defendants, with whom he exchanged written and audio messages through the WhtasApp application after the fact, among them. Lastly, the mothers of Máximo Thomsen and Blas Cinalli will testify under oath to tell the truth before the judges of the Oral Criminal Court (TOC).

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