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I don’t know what is more difficult in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: traversing the Lost Forest or facing the horror of the Deku Tree

I don't know what is more difficult in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: traversing the Lost Forest or facing the horror of the Deku Tree

My misadventures through Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom are far from over, and that is why I must prepare myself for the terrifying challenges that await me. there is a long way to go face Ganondorf himself, but it is about time to wake up the happy fairies from their millennial nap. These clothes do not level up on their own.

Heading to the Posta del Bosque

Now that I have Tureli’s spirit by my side, it’s time to head back to Watch Fort to see if there’s anything new on the front lines. Prunia continues to do her thing, although it is Rotver who gives me a little joy. Since I’ve already gotten the power of the Schematic Generator underground, Josha asks me to fix the hot air balloon for the scientist. Once done, he summons me to his laboratory in Hatelia to make a few adjustments to the tablet and I mark on the agenda that I must return to such a corrupt place sooner rather than later.

Once the homework is done at the HQ, it’s time to walk northeast, in the direction of Eldin territory. If the repeated hints I have received are correct, there I will find the happy Bremen musicians, which are the only ones with the ability to get the fairies to do their work. The walk is not too long and, sure enough, they are there, although only two of them. It turns out that they have been scattered all over the map and I will have to gather them to have the whole gang.

However, with this duo I manage for the moment to mount them in a wheelbarrow and transport them to the nearest cocoon. To carry it out I have been forced to do something that I wanted to avoid at all costs and that is to register a horse. The control of the equines can be frankly improved, beyond the fact that they do not teleport to your location when you need it. In any case, the steed will live out the rest of its virtual existence in a stable from which it will never leave again.

Yes, I finally get the first fairy to appear! It can only improve my clothes “a little”, but it’s a start to prevent the enemies’ slaps from hurting me until the next day. I make the necessary exchanges to benefit from its magic, I ignore all hints of a sexual nature that throws me and I mark a new objective as juicy as that dark vault that I see so close.

How the heck to get into the Kolog Forest

Do you remember what Homer Simpson did every time Marge told him that they were going to have a new kid running around the house? The closest I got to pulling my hair out in Zelda: Breath of the Wild was trying to figure out how the hell you can get through the Lost Forest to get to the Kolog Forest. Honestly, I preferred the 2D versions of Zelda, at least you didn’t get into a hellish loop where a fog brings you back to the beginning of the path.

Here I am, in front of a stone arch and preparing a small fire with which to light a torch. The only thing I remember about the method to advance was that you needed a light source and embrace trial and error as a way to be victorious. Well, in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom none of this works.. Quietly I will have spent 30 minutes trying everything that came to my mind. I’ve tried gliding with the canopy, crouching, taking an elixir of stealth, running like a headless chicken, and… digging.

Yes, that is the answer to my problems. The huge hole in the ground next to the entrance to the Lost Forest is no coincidence and the light bulb turns on. I swoop in, build a car I’m not too proud of – but it gets the job done – and I get to the exact point I needed. I use the Infiltration and voilà, I am in the Kolog Forest. I am grateful that Nintendo has found a different way to access such a precious stage, but what a bad time I have had the two times that I have had to do it.

My worst nightmare

One expects to be welcomed with open arms by a tide of kologs, but all one finds is that they are all immobile and unresponsive to any stimulus. The problem lies in the Deku Tree, which has a suspicious evil aura coming out of its mouth, so I throw him a rich pill of Dark Matter to heal him. It’s not much use, so I’m afraid I’ll have to go inside it to find out what ails it.

I’m so dumb that I fall into the trap. Everything is infected with an evil aura, as if it were the coronavirus, and suddenly I see myself surrounded by the fearsome hands with eyes. There is no escape, I cannot run without looking back, because the game makes it clear that now it is time for a confrontation. To say that I won the first time would consecrate me as a warrior, but the truth is that I bit the dust. Link’s hearts began to be corrupted very easily, the flower bombs did almost no damage and the small cliffs that he could climb blocked any angle from which I could shoot with the bow.

After receiving a sovereign beating, the second round began. This is when I realized the habit that I think we all do in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom such as reserving the most powerful weapons for the most difficult opponents. Let’s stop with hot cloths; I select my mightiest bow, strongest sword, and rush to the battlefield.

Having dropped more bombs than the Normandy landings, the real horror looms before me. Ghost Ganon manifests and I’m not afraid of his steel, although I eat the first blows. I manage to activate the slow motion, I herd him like I haven’t herded the damned kologs in this time and I annihilate him from the face of the earth… at least for a while.

The good thing is not only that the Deku Tree has stopped looking like a chain smoker, but that I am awarded Ganon’s sword and bow; good pieces to merge in the future. The talking trunk tells me that I’m nothing short of an idiot for losing the Master Sword, although he locates it quickly. It moves at full speed across the map and it’s already clear to me that my next trip will be on the back of a dragon that I don’t know how I’m going to get to.

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