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‘I feel like we make a lot of people happy’

'I feel like we make a lot of people happy'

This week we visited one of the most recognized establishments in Brooklyn County, where traditional Mexican food is served, with a touch of authenticity: Taqueria Ramírez.

“My name is Giovanni Ramírez, I am the founder and part of the team here at the Ramírez taqueria and this is our pastor taco, it is my favorite taco obviously because of the flavor and because it reminds me of the city more than any other taco…And this is what it looks like,” says the chef.

“Well, the ingredients for the pastor taco are pork but, to make the marinade we need guajillo chili, pasilla chili, cloves, allspice, anato paste, we also use oregano, thyme, and cinnamon, this is later mixed all with vinegar and juice of orange and we also added our secret ingredient…”, he adds.

“The inspiration was always, I think, the nostalgia of finding good tacos and obviously everything, everything, the way you remember, how you grew up and the flavors of Mexico and in some way we felt that that was very much needed here in New York , particularly this Mexico City style.”

“I feel that the fact of being able to transport the people who come here to Mexico City in some way is important for us and I feel that it is like a dream. That you arrive and close your eyes and feel like you are in Mexico City and that is what we know people appreciate about this place.”

“It took a lot of trying several recipes to find the recipe we liked and I think the most important part of that process was knowing how things should taste. The memory of how it has to taste and reach that point where you feel that you have already achieved the flavor you are looking for, right?”

“People have received us with a lot of love, I actually think that is the word that can encapsulate everything, right? I feel like we make a lot of people happy and you can feel it when they are here eating, people from Mexico who come in some way to try what they miss and you can see it in their faces.

And the people who may not have tried this type of tacos and are discovering it for the first time, just as…, it is a lot of comfort for us to know that we are doing it well.

Delicious! exclaims Ramírez, savoring one of his favorite tacos: ‘Al pastor’.


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