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"I find them beautiful": Mélenchon proud of the speeches of LFI deputies in the Assembly

The leader of LFI welcomed the interventions of the rebellious deputies during the first day of the examination of the pension reform in the hemicycle of the National Assembly.

He calls himself “full of pride”. From the Gare de Lyon, in Paris, where he came to support the railway workers on this day of inter-union mobilization against the pension reform, Jean-Luc Mélenchon salutes the activity of the rebellious deputies.

“I am very enthusiastic about what I have seen from my comrades”, declares the leader of La France insoumise (LFI) after the opening of the debates in the hemicycle on Monday on the pension reform. Mathilde Panot, François Ruffin, Rachel Keke: they all made him proud.

“I find them magnificent,” he says.

“I worked well”

“I am full of pride seeing them work”, explains Jean-Luc Mélenchon. And to add: “I tell myself that I worked well if I prepared that”. Leader of the rebellious, during the last legislature, the tribune did not stand for re-election during the legislative elections of June 2022 but left behind him a whole “Mélenchon generation”. 75 rebellious deputies arrived at the National Assembly this summer. In 2017, there were 17.

Does he have ants in the legs by attending these games without being able to enter the arena? Jean-Luc Mélenchon admits it: he “likes parliamentary battles”. However, “it is not my task today”, he assures.

“In retreat, but not in retreat”, according to the expression he devotes to the subject, the triple presidential candidate officially launched his presidency of the “La Boétie” institute this Sunday. It is a think tank of anti-capitalist thought which will train future leaders of the radical left.

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