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I made the real Bari focaccia with this recipe: if you try it you won’t be able to do without it

How to make barese

You know that amazing crunchy and fragrant focaccia full of tasty cherry tomatoes? Bari focaccia is just that and today I’m going to tell you how to make it at home.

It is perfect at any time of the day, from a snack to dinner. The taste and the consistency are unmistakable and contain all the wisdom and simplicity of Mediterranean cuisine.

Since it is difficult to find it done in a workmanlike manner, especially outside Puglia, I decided to try DIY.

I made real Apulian focaccia with fresh and healthy ingredients

Take 250 grams of semolina re-milled and 250 grams of flour 0.

Combine 35 grams of dried sourdough and a teaspoon of honey. Slowly add 400 milliliters of warm water. During this step you have to make sure that the yeast and honey combine perfectly with the flours. Also, when you have added 200ml of water, you will need to put a spoonful of salt around the edges of the flour and continue pouring in the remaining liquid. At this point you can knead with your hands to mix everything better. L’dough it must be sticky and you don’t have to work it for a long time. As soon as it completely detaches from the walls of the bowl, you can cover it with plastic wrap and a tea towel.

Leavening and processing

You have to leave bump up for at least 4 hours or until doubled in volume. You don’t need to knead again and so you won’t waste too much time.

In the pan where you want to cook the focaccia you have to put 100 milliliters of oil olive oil and spread it well on the bottom. With greasy hands take the dough and transfer it to the pan.

Spread everything well and with your fingertips create the traditional ones dimples on the focaccia. The oil will be abundant but this is one of the secrets for the perfect success of the dish.

Tomato and flavors of Puglia

Now move on to the dressing of this amazing base. You need to spread on the dough 250 grams of tomatoes peeled tomatoes squeezed by hand. You can add some cherry tomatoes at this point. Choose the sweetest ones, cut them in half and squeeze them so that the juice falls on the focaccia. Then insert the tomato with a slight pressure crushed on the dough, making it sink slightly. Add the yummy olives baresane. If you don’t live in Puglia, you can easily buy them on the internet at a price of around 10 euros per kilo.

Sprinkle with some salt and plenty Origan. This spice can also be purchased online. The Salento one is excellent, coming mostly from the coast that goes from Otranto in Leuca. The price is around 4 euros per pound but it brings with it all the flavor of the Mediterranean.

The final touch consists of aemulsion composed of 100 milliliters of water and 50 of extra virgin olive oil. When you have well bound the two liquids by beating with the prongs of a fork, pour it all over the focaccia. Rotate the pan so that the emulsion is evenly distributed. Bake for 16 minutes at 250 degrees. The first 8 minutes cook on the bottom of the oven and the next 8 minutes in the central part.

Here’s how I made the real Bari focaccia.

Eat it hotit will be one of the best foods you have ever tasted.

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