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“I thought it was yours”: Internet users were fooled by a disturbing photo of Emeric (Love is in the meadow) and his companion!

Photos of the farmer and his partner cast doubt over the weekend as to their future together.

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The year of his passage, and even thereafter, he was one of the adventure’s most coveted singles. Many loyal viewers of Love is in the meadow know well Émeric, the Breton who was part of the 2018 session of the show. It was three years after a painful separation that the young man had decided to apply for the M6 ​​dating show. Despite the many applications he had received, the then 32-year-old candidate had, despite a short rapprochement with Lucie, one of the contenders, failed to find love and therefore left, as he had happened. , Single. A few months after the show, he admitted to being in a relationship with Maëlle, one of the contenders he had not selected for speed-dating. But this relationship was only short-lived. Since then, the young dad had remained single … At least until the beginning of the year 2022.

In a relationship and happy for a year

The fact that he is the father of a little girl named Marine, of whom he has custody every other week, has not in fact prevented him from finding love again. Even if he had already presented it on Instagram on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, it was during a love seen from the meadow aired following an episode of the last season that the official presentations of the new companion of the farmer were made. Émeric, very close to the former candidate Amelia, is therefore now in a relationship with a certain Mother-High School. This nurseryman and beekeeper from Finistère recounted the circumstances of their meeting worthy of a Christmas TV movie with rose water: “We met in delivering him a Christmas tree and when she got out of the car, my heart went boom boom. I had butterflies in my stomach. We can talk about love at first sight, that’s what I felt anyway”, he confided on M6. Since then, his followers who follow him on social networks are attentive to the progress of his love affairs.

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A wedding in anticipation?

It must be said that with Anne-Lise, they have already traveled to New York and organized meetings with other couples formed by Love is in the meadow. Steps that can mean a lot. So with the arrival of spring and the wedding season starting again, Emeric’s fans probably have thehope to see the farmer pass the ring on his finger of his sweetheart. At the end of this weekend, when he posted a series of photos where he was dressed in a suit and Anne-Lise in a white suit, captioned by the short sentence “A very beautiful wedding this weekend under a Breton sun”, many believed that the young man had married. “We are waiting for the rest…”wrote the legendary couple from the M6 ​​show Pierre and Fred. “I believed in a surprise wedding for you two”, “Anne-lise may have caught the bouquet”, “I too thought it was yours, it will come well”, “a rehearsal for your upcoming ceremony”, have expressed in particular other Internet users. This time it was about the union of a couple of friends but it only remains for Émeric to announce if the marriage is indeed part of the future projects of his couple.

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