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“I told you that AMLO was vengeful”: author of “King of Cash” denounced the FGJ CDMX for actions against her

Elena Chávez, author of The King of Cash (Photo: screenshot/Amazon)

Luz Elena Chavez, author of “The King of Cash”, accused the President of the Republic, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)to be “vengeful”, this after allegedly, authorities took action to prevent the launch of his second publication.

And it is that through a Tweet Issued from her personal account, the writer assured that she will soon present evidence of the alleged actions that the head of the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office would have undertaken, Ernestina Godoy, against the continuation of his work, “The King of Cash”.

“In my book ‘The King of Cash’, I told you that López Obrador was vengeful, because they have already started actions against me, tomorrow I will show you what Ernestina Godoy did to stop me and not to take out the 2nd book,” reads his publication.

And it is that, for Elena Chávez, the actions against her would allegedly be led from the federal power and would be carried out by the authorities of Mexico City, an entity directed by the Head of Government and morenista, Claudia Sheinbuam Pardo.

Although the writer does not clarify what the possible hostilities would be, she accused the authorities of being “low and mean.”

It should be remembered that this is not the first time that the author of “El Rey del Cash” accuses actions against her by the current administration and supporters.

And it is that the book prior to the one that will soon be published, would have aroused discomfort in said sector because in it, the author narrates her testimony about the 18 years that she lived near the current president of Mexico, being a partner of her then head of press Cesar Yanez.

In the text, Elena Chávez describes alleged details of how the president’s operators obtained (for a long time) billions of pesos to finance and support the movement of the founder of the National Regeneration Movement (Brunette).

In November 2022, the author denounced acts of censorship against her book.

And it is that, since its launch in November of this year, the writer Elena Chávez denounced that her work was being censored.

During a press conference held at the facilities of the Publisher Penguin Randomhouse both Elena Chávez and the investigative journalist, Anabel Hernandez, They claimed to have gone through various adversities after publishing the material. In said press conference he accused censorship with the cancellation of the presentation of his book on three different occasions.

One of them denounced her through her social networks, when “without any explanation” the presentation of The King of Cashwhich would take place in the World Trade Center (wtc) from Mexico City was suspended.

“It cannot be that in a city that is said to be about freedoms such as Mexico City, this is not happening, that they canceled us in three properties but it was not only those three, but on Monday night when we still did not have a defined space I spoke to the Club of Journalists of Mexico, I spoke with the president of the club, I asked him for space and he denied meHe told me that I had to understand that we lived in another Mexico, that it was not the one from before,” said Elena Chávez.

Similarly, he explained that The King of Cash has been hidden in bookstores What The basement, sanborns and the same forum of the World Trade Center (WTC).


“El rey del cash”, by Elena Chávez: why she suffers censorship and repression in Mexico
Elena Chávez and Anabel Hernández denounced the censorship they have suffered when talking about AMLO in “El Rey del Cash”
“Censorship at full steam”: Elena Chávez denounced that the presentation of “El Rey del Cash” was canceled once again
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