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I was the president who acted the most against crime: Calderón

Mexico City.- Former President Felipe Calderón assured that during his government (2006-2012) he never negotiated or agreed with criminals, after the verdict was announced against his Secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna, who was found guilty of collaborating with the Sinaloa Cartel to traffic drugs in the United States.

On the contrary, he maintained, he has been the President who has acted the most against organized crime.

“As President of Mexico, I fought with all determination against crime, with the law in hand and without distinguishing between groups. I never negotiated or agreed with criminals. I never used the presidential investiture to advocate for their interests,” the President stated. .

The former President released a letter on his social networks, where he exposes what he describes as “facts” and accuses that after the verdict against his former collaborator was known, he is now being politically attacked.

“From now on, in an environment of polarization and harassment, the decision is already being used politically to attack me, especially by those who questioned my government’s decision to act against crime.

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