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“I will win the debate,” says Alejandra del Moral

After it was confirmed that the Next Thursday April 20 The first debate of the electoral process will be held, for which the governorship in the Mexican state will be renewed, the banner of the PRI, PAN, PRD and Nueva Alianza coalition, Alejandra Del Moral He assured that he will win the debate organized by the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico (IEEM).

“On Thursday the 20th there will be the first debate, in a historic election because we are only two candidates for governor, on Thursday the 20th I dedicate them to you, I am going to win the debate with respect, with education, with a high vision and with love for the land of Mexico, without disqualification, but putting a finger on the sore spot “

Before teachers of the entity, in Toluca, to whom she presented some proposals in favor of the sector and accompanied by the general secretary of the Union of Teachers at the Service of the State of Mexico (SMSEM), Marco Aurelio Carbajal Leyva, and the campaign coordinator in this area, Juan Manuel Uribe, the candidate for governor promised to take “the bull by the horns” and solve the “fundamental” problems facing the Institute Social Security of the State of Mexico and Municipalities (Issemym).

“Teachers must be cared for not only with care and quality, but with solidarity and opportunity, both in the medical and administrative areas, which means that there are enough doctors and medicines for each and every teacher.

“I will win the debate,” says Alejandra del Moral

As part of the solutions he presented at Ocoyoacac, the candidate of BREADPRI, PRD and Nueva Alianza committed to prevent and mitigate flooding in the community of San Pedro Cholula.

Del Moral said it will support the development of Valleys of Atlapulco, Acazulco and La Marquesa; also promised to implement a paving program from Del Rio to Juan Escutia street and build it together, because the only beneficiaries of these projects are the residents of Ocoyoacac

He offered to rehabilitate the Municipal Health Centersor, as well as the Center for Culture in favor of the development of the young people of Ocoyoaquenses and will support the trade, because it is the source of many neighbors and is the livelihood for their families.

From Nicolás Romero, he promises to improve road and water infrastructure

“I will win the debate,” says Alejandra del Moral

“We are in the heart of the state,” said Alejandra Del Moral, candidate for the PRI, PAN, PRD and Nueva Alianza coalition, before a euphoric crowd that was waiting for her in the neighborhood. San Juan Tlihuaca, where he presented his urban improvement plan for the benefit of the inhabitants of the municipality of Nicolás Romero.

The Metropolitan Program of Urban mobility wants public transport to improve and with it a “road rearrangement” so that the families of Nicolás Romero can move faster here.”

The Alliance standard-bearer will also launch a permanent patching program in conjunction “with the municipal authority, to rehabilitate and condition the Via Francisco I. Madero in the university area” so that young people have better access to their educational centers.

In the same way, he offered to vault the Lázaro Cárdenas collector, from La Presa de Lara to the Río de la Colmena and regarding Unemployment Insurance, he offered training for employment.

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