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IACHR asks Mexico to locate human rights defenders

IACHR asks Mexico to locate human rights defenders

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) asked Mexico to make an even greater effort to locate Antonio Diazteacher and indigenous leader and lawyer Ricardo Arturo Lagunes, who disappeared on January 15 between Michoacan and Colima.

Through a statement, the Commission requested to Mexico redouble efforts to find the whereabouts of these two people and protect their right to life and personal integrity, also to report on the actions taken to investigate the facts.

In The Truth News, We had already reported on the blockades in these communities to demand the appearance of the indigenous leader and the lawyer.

IACHR requests to investigate the whereabouts of human rights defenders

Both characters disappeared on January 15 of this year

Despite the investigations into the case that Mexico said it was carrying out, they also stated that there is no substantial information about the fate or whereabouts of Lagunes and Díaz, so they are in imminent danger.

For this reason, the IACHR granted precautionary measures in favor of the two victims, although it clarified that this is not a prejudgment of a possible petition on violation of rights that was filed before the Inter-American System.

According to the agency, Lagunes and Días disappeared on January 15 after contacting their relatives, and hours later, the car they were in appeared abandoned and with signs of violence.

Before this happened, they participated in the communal auditorium of the indigenous community of San Miguel Aquila (Michoacán), where Lagunes provided legal support and Díaz is a local leader, teacher and defender of human rights.

After the assembly, they left Aquila for the capital Colima, where they got lost.

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Blockades in mines to claim activist and lawyer

The community itself has demanded to find the defenders

In the community of Aquila, in the state of Michoacán, local people blocked access to the Ternium company mine, demanding that community leader Antonio Díaz Valencia and Ricardo Antonio Lagunes Gasca, a local lawyer, appear alive.

The relatives reported that they stopped having contact with them when they were in the municipality of Coahuayana, Michoacán, so the search and demand alerts went to the authorities of Colima and Michoacán.

A few days ago, Ana Lucía Lagunes Gasca, sister of Ricardo Lagunes, during a press conference asked the Attorney General’s Office to bring the case to begin the search for these two people because she accused of deficiencies among the local authorities.

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