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IACHR denounces the Cuban dictatorship’s repression of protests in Cienfuegos

It takes ten years and more than 10,000 million dollars to recover the thermoelectric plants

The Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Pedro Vaca, showed his deepest concern about the repression of the Cuban regime towards peaceful protests in the town of Juraguá, province of Hundred firesthis May 28.

Protesters took to the streets due to prolonged daily blackouts and the impossibility of carrying out daily activities due to the absence of electricity supply. The protests were intervened by agents of the State Security and the Special Brigade of the dictatorship to dissuade the demonstration.

The non-governmental organization Justicia 11J recalled that the neighborhood of the abandoned Juraguá Nuclear Power Plant (CEN), where the protests took place, is one of the most marginalized communities in Cienfuegos. After the cancellation of plans Fidel Castro After building a nuclear power plant with Soviet subsidies, the area was abandoned.

“I receive with concern reports about attacks on protesters in #Cuba, who were expressing themselves against power cuts in #Cienfuegos. The State must refrain from repressing people who express themselves publicly, and respect and guarantee #FreedomExpression,” he said. Vaca on their social networks.

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The organization also called on international human rights defenders and the diplomatic delegations of the European Union in Cuba to follow up on the situation, demand an end to the criminalization of protests and guarantee the right to free expression on the island. .


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