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IACHR recommends the disappearance of the section “Who is who in lies”… “It’s part of the fun”: AMLO

Who knows if in reference to the recommendation of the International Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)… but what is, is that AMLO does not see that the liked section “Who is who in the lies” has the impact that is accused. It’s just to gossip, as the president insinuated.

It is also part of the fun, of the entertainment. You don’t have to get angry. You have to have a sense of humor. There is no need to be bitter”, AMLO said in his morning today, May 10, as a presentation of the section conducted by Elizabeth García Vilchis.

Photo: Presidency.

The president did not make direct reference to the recommendation of the IACHR, in which “Who is who in the lies” was asked to disappear… since, yes, very talkative at times, but this section contributes to increasing violence against journalists, it is considered in the 2022 report of the Commission’s Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression.

“(This) section continues to be a space used by the Executive Power to stigmatize and disqualify the work of the press”points out the IACHR, in specific reference to the morning segment in which, supposedly, false news is denied.

Photo: Presidency.

“It has the potential to increase the risks inherent to journalistic work, especially in a context of escalating violence against journalists,” added the IACHR.

It is not the first time that the IACHR has asked the Executive to make said section disappear. The same report recalls that, during a public hearing of the IACHR’s 180th Regular Session, held in July 2021, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression invited the State of Mexico to reflect and reevaluate the format of “Who is who in the lies of the week”… AMLO was even asked to reconsider its existence.

Photo: Darkroom

The IACHR is not the only front where this has been requested. A few weeks ago, the suggestion came from Denise Dresser, who not only asked to suspend the “Who’s who in the lies”… for the political analyst, the best thing would be to completely give neck to the morning.

“I think a solution would have to be the end of ‘the morning’. I do not deny that Mexico had pre-existing gaps: social, cultural, race, class, but (in) ‘the morning’ those grievances are stirred up and (they) create enemies at convenience”warned Dresser during his participation in the program of the journalist Carmen Aristegui.

The IACHR recognizes that, although it is important to combat false news, what is done in “Who is who in lies” not only puts the guarantee of freedom of expression at risk, but also it also damages democratic institutions in Mexico.

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