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Idartes opens registrations for district writing workshops for people over 16 years of age

Idartes opens its 2023 District Writing Workshops for another year. Courtesy: Radio Duna

One more year, the District Institute of the ArtsIDARTES, brings to the city of Bogotá the new edition of the Ciudad de Bogotá 2023 Creative Writing Workshops network. A space with which it seeks to encourage and keep interested literature lovers who want to embark on the path of writing.

Writers, teachers, literature students, journalists and the general public who are fans of the literary world can participate in these workshops. The invitation is open to people aged 16 and over and it does not have any type of cost.

During this first semester, the writing workshops are oriented, once again, to treat different genres among which those interested can choose their field of interest between: story, chronicle, poetry, novel and graphic narrative. Let’s remember that during the second semester, the Network of Local Writing Workshops opens, in which those registered go through all literary genres during the same cycle.

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For this year, the workshops They will begin on February 25 and end on July 1. They will have an intensity of 4 hours a week to complete 80 hours of workshop in person with a maximum of 30 people for each course. During this time, each director will communicate with the people registered in his workshop to confirm their participation, in case of not attending, the quota will be considered closed and it will be passed to the next person.

As for the meeting place, it is expected that once those interested send the registration form, a central headquarters can be arranged for the workshops to be held, according to Idartes.

To win one of the quotas that Idartes has enabled for this activity, those interested must enter the Idartes website, where they will find a registration form. There is a form for each genre that contains different evaluation requirements, in addition to general contact information such as email, names, age, address, telephone, bibliographic review, among other general information, the following must be taken into account.

Tale: Write a story of your own authorship of a maximum of 2,100 characters with spaces included.

Chronicle: Write a fragment of a chronicle or journalistic content of your own authorship, also with a maximum of 2,100 characters.

Poetry: write a production of poetry not to exceed 2,100 characters.

Novel: write a fragment of a novel project that is no longer than the established 2,100 characters.

graphic narrative: send in a file a sample of works in graphic narrative, they can be scripts, sketches, drawings, among others, without exceeding a weight of 100 MB.

District writing workshops are part of the training program Bogota Scripturesan Idartes project that seeks to provide citizens with the necessary tools to explore the field of writing and promote a space for training and learning aimed at the interested public.

Among them, we also find the Network of Local Writing Workshops, with 20 workshops distributed in the different locations of the city, with a virtual one, in which those interested explore the different literary dimensions. In addition, there are the District Meetings of Creative Writings – EDECevents in which writers and readers meet to talk about their career, artistic work, trade and other questions that arise during the meetings.

Each of the Institute’s projects are led by writers and experts in the field of literature, who are widely recognized in the sector and have gone through a meticulous selection carried out by Management, in order to have the best literary actors such as trainers in the city.

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