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If I were Cilia Flores, I would be worried

If I were Cilia Flores, I would be worried

MIAMI.- Since 2018 Nicolas Maduro Moros proclaimed himself president of Venezuela after an electoral process that was unknown to the US, the European Union and the Lima group, Cilia Flowersas a lawyer, must have begun to worry about the idea that she is living with an illegitimate person.

The economic impoverishment in the country with the largest oil deposits in the hemisphere and, consequently, the migration of some eight million people is another of the reasons that should disturb Cilia Flores’ sleep due to the prominence that she and her husband have had in the causes of this humanitarian crisis.

Being married to a man accused of narcoterrorism, for whose capture in 2020 the US Department of Justice offered $15 million, should be another equally powerful reason for Cilia Flores to review who she lives with.

Likewise, the links attributed to the regime headed by her husband with deaths and forced disappearances, such as the recent case of the kidnapping and murder of 32-year-old former military officer Ronald Ojeda, who lived as a refugee in Chile and who had been accused by the ruling party in his country of “tradition to the homeland”.

But the seriousness of all these accusations against Nicolás Maduro, which Cilia Flores should be concerned about, pale when we see that all the president’s vociferous strength is neutralized if it comes to facing female adversaries.

The most notable case of Maduro’s fear of measuring his popularity and capabilities against a woman is María Corina Machado, leader of the opposition, elected by an absolute majority with more than two million votes from Venezuelans eligible to vote, making her the candidate from that sector of the population that does not support the policies governed by a party in control of the country for more than 25 years, whose decisions have caused the squandering of national wealth.

Disqualified from holding public office unconstitutionally, according to the criteria of legal experts, María Corina Machado also exemplifies one of the ways in which the Venezuelan ruling party has failed to comply with the agreements adopted in Barbados with the mediation of Norway, based on which Presumably, the regime should facilitate the conditions for presidential elections to be held in that nation and a process of national reconstruction to take place. This would surely be one of the reasons why Maduro does not even dare to hold a public confrontation with the candidate that part of the Venezuelans legitimately elected, because he has no arguments to answer María Corina why she tries to ignore her, ignoring her own Constitution.

The other case of a woman who leaves Maduro without arguments and whom he needs to keep isolated and silenced at all costs is the lawyer and human rights activist Rocío San Miguel, specialized in exposing and defending cases in which citizen prerogatives are violated. specifically, of soldiers convicted and confined for opposing the regime’s practices.

San Miguel was arrested more than 30 days ago, she remains held in the prison known as El Helicoide, of the Chavista Intelligence Service, deprived of contacting her lawyers, without evidence having been presented against her, accused of an alleged conspiracy to murder. to Nicolás Maduro and cause a coup d’état.

The power that Maduro grants to the strength of his adversaries is so great that one might wonder if his fears consist of the fact that he recognizes himself as lacking the eloquence and linguistic resources to hold a meeting in which he offers them the opportunity to debate ideas with him. Or the fear is that women with talent and experience impress him too much.

If I were Cilia Flores, I would be concerned about the image of weakness that Nicolás Maduro shows to the world, who creates custom-made opponents so as not to see the need to face women he prefers not to look in front of.

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