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“If you are not fit to be a candidate, you are not fit to serve”


After the President of the United States, Joe Biden announced this Sunday the decision to end his reelection raceRepublican Party figures reacted to the news by calling for his immediate resignation from office.

From the former president Donald Trumpthrough the Republican leadership of Congress and prominent voices within the party, argued that If Biden does not have the skills to be a candidate in the November 5 elections, then he is not fit to continue governing the country..

Trump, who last Thursday accepted the nomination as the Republican Party’s candidate for the elections, reacted on his Truth Social platform to the determination of his political adversary.

Corrupt Joe Biden was unfit to run for President, and he certainly is unfit to serve – And never was!“Everyone around him, including his doctor and the media, knew he was not capable of being president, and he was not.”

The Republican candidate, whose popularity has grown ahead of the presidential election after surviving an assassination attemptsaid that the United States will suffer greatly from a Biden presidency. “But we will repair the damage that has been done very quickly. Let’s make America great again!” exclaimed Trump, who will have to face A new rival, yet to be defined.

The Republican Mike Johnsonthe Speaker of the House of Representatives, and other heavyweights of his party in Congress, were drastic in calling for Biden to resign immediately.

If Joe Biden is unfit to run for president, he is unfit to be president“He must resign from his position immediately,” Johnson wrote on the social network X.

The House Speaker called Biden’s decision an “unprecedented moment in American history.”

“The Democratic Party kicked the Democratic nominee off the ballot, just over 100 days before the election,” he said. “By invalidating the votes of more than 14 million Americans who elected Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for president, the self-proclaimed ‘party of democracy’ has proven exactly the opposite.”

For its part, JD Vancewho was chosen by Trump to accompany him as vice president in the race for the White Housestated that “Joe Biden has been the worst president of my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been there with him every step of the way.”

About the current vice president of the United States and potential Democratic presidential candidate after Biden resigns, Vince added: “Over the past four years, she co-authored Biden’s open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and food. She owns all of these failures and lied for nearly four years about Biden’s mental capacity, saddling the nation with a president who can’t do the job”.

“President Trump and I are ready to save America, whoever is leading the way.” Democratic nomination. Forward,” he stressed.

In a post this morning on the same social network, the Ohio senator also raised objections to the ability of the current president, 81 years old, to continue in office.

“If Joe Biden ends his re-election campaign, how can he justify remaining president?” the 39-year-old politician asked.

“Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit to serve as Commander in Chief,” he stressed. “There is no middle ground.”

The governor of the state of Texas expressed himself in the same vein, Greg Abbottan influential PR figure and staunch critic of the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies.

“If Biden is unfit to run FOR president, he is unfit to serve THE presidency,” Abbott said, warning that “American security is at risk both at home and abroad.”

“A change in the Oval Office is essential – immediately – to ensure the safety of Americans and the security of our country,” he said.

About President Biden’s endorsement of Kamala as the Democratic candidate Ahead of the presidential election, the governor sarcastically said, “I think I’ll have to triple the border wall, the barbed wire barriers, and the National Guard on the border.”

Following these statements, he shared a fragment of an interview of the vice president with NBC and said his performance on the border “has been a complete failure. The future of the United States is bleak if the border czar becomes president.”

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