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If you don’t clean your cat’s teeth, you’re always wrong! Here’s how and why to do it

If you don’t clean your teeth at the

We are used to thinking of the cat as an autonomous and independent animal, so it is not surprising that many owners do not think of brushing their cat’s teeth. However, letting tartar accumulate on his proud teeth only promises unpleasant scenarios, based on gingivitis, inflammation and difficulty chewing. To prevent these unpleasant inconveniences, today we explain to you how and why you should clean your cat’s teeth.

To ensure perfect oral hygiene for your cat, you could consider various options: use a soft-bristled toothbrush with a special toothpaste, use a rubber thimble or add some specific snacks to its diet.

To clean the cat’s teeth you can also use specific

How to clean your cat’s teeth

Self the cat in question is still cubthere is the possibility to get used to it a little bit at a time to the toothbrush. To do this, you will need to get a specific toothbrush and toothpaste for cats. If, despite various attempts to get him used to the daily oral hygiene routine, there is no way to get the cat to tolerate the brush, you could try solid foods and crunchy specific, rich in calcium, which will help reduce the build-up of tartar on your kitty’s teeth. There are also special ones dental sticks for this purpose. When in doubt, it is always best to consult with your vet.

If you don’t clean your cat’s teeth, you could cause him problems

The key thing will be to keep always under control hygiene and health dental of the your cat.

If you notice breath bad, gums red or salivation excessive, they might to be signals of one gingivitis in place. If ignored, gingivitis could lead to chewing problems. We notice this because the cat drools and drops food from the mouth, resulting in weight loss in the long run. Some cats, however, have a higher tolerance for dental pain and may not show any symptoms at all. Therefore, it belongs to you check your kitty’s oral cavity regularly, for locate possible problems (especially in adult cats). Once a year then, the vet should perform a complete check-up. If you have missed any tartar, your cat may need one scaling to remove it. Another suspicious symptom is the cat who suddenly doesn’t want to be touched on the head anymore. In all these cases, it is best to book a visit to the vet right away.

Contact your vet for

What is the cost for teeth cleaning

As for the cleaning of the teeth thorough (scaling), this will come breakthrough in anesthesia general, for remove in peace all the tartar sub gingival. This way, the cat won’t feel any discomfort. And don’t worry: the anesthetics used today carry far fewer risks than an unhealthy mouth. During the teeth cleaning session, will follow then a process Of polishing of the same. This treatment is very useful for preventing the formation of tartar. The cost Of a complete cleaning of the teeth is around 120 EUR. Now you know that if you don’t clean your cat’s teeth, trouble could quickly knock on your door. The password is therefore always prevention! Your kitten’s health also depends on you!

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