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If you swallow gum, can it hit your intestines? Myths of this belief

If you swallow gum, can it hit your intestines?  Myths of this belief

Chewing gum is practically an activity intended to freshen breath, clean teeth superficially and it could also be considered as something entertaining, since more than one has ever made -or tried- to make bubbles with it.

(Read on: Mystery Solved: This Is What Happens To Your Stomach When You Swallow Gum)

However, this will not happen. When ingested, the gum follows the normal course of the digestive system, and in most cases, it is expelled from the body through the feces in a matter of days. The human body is designed to eliminate indigestible objects, and chewing gum is no exception.

(You may be interested in: What are the advantages and disadvantages of chewing gum?)

While this finding may come as a relief to many, experts also caution against making this practice a habit. Gums do not provide essential nutrients and could interfere with a balanced diet if used as frequent replacements for appropriate meals.

In general, most people do not face serious complications from the occasional gum swallow, since the digestive system is designed to eliminate indigestible objects.

However, it is important to avoid this practice as a habit, and in the case of small children, it is essential to keep chewing gums out of their reach to avoid risks of choking or intestinal obstruction. If worrisome symptoms are experienced after swallowing gum, it is advisable to consult a physician for proper evaluation and care.

  • Temporary constipation: Some people may experience mild constipation if they swallow large amounts of gum regularly, as the body cannot digest the gum base. However, this is usually temporary and resolves once the gum is cleared from the digestive system.
  • Intestinal obstruction: Although uncommon, in rare cases, especially in young children who swallow multiple gums or also swallow larger objects, there is a risk of intestinal obstruction. This occurs when gum and other indigestible objects build up and block the digestive tract, which may require medical attention.
  • Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to certain ingredients in gum, such as artificial colors or sweeteners, and swallowing them could trigger mild to moderate allergic reactions.
  • Chemical intake: In rare cases, some chewing gums may contain harmful substances if ingested in large quantities. Although gum manufacturers must adhere to strict regulations, it is important to ensure that you are consuming quality products that are reputable sources.
  • Bad nutrition: If someone is in the habit of swallowing gum frequently, they could decrease their appetite or substitute nutritious meals for the gum. This could lead to poor diet and inadequate nutrient intake.
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