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If you use WhatsApp you should check this immediately, it could avoid a problem in the future

If you use

If for many it is natural to send a message via WhatsApp, for others the potential of the application may not be known. An example is a function designed to optimize the use of the smartphone. Here’s what it is.

Sending a message on WhatsApp is one of those things that almost everyone knows how to do. It is an act that has become almost physiological in everyday life. The proliferation of smartphones has also made technology an increasingly valuable tool available to everyone.

The WhatsApp development work has ensured that the phone application has features that can prevent situations that could be unpleasant. To give a clear example we can talk about a particularly useful feature.

If you use WhatsApp you should check this immediately, here’s how to operate

To use it, from first screen of the appjust go to the top right on the three lines. Tapping them opens a window where you can choose Settings.

It is possible to select from among the menu items present Space and Data. Next you will have to go up Manage Space.

Easy to read data

This will take you to a screen where you will have the option to know exactly how much space the data downloaded from WhatsApp occupies. The data is shown on the left, while on the right it will show the total residual capacity of the device.

What must be done is, from time to time, to check the proportion between occupied and remaining space. When the first data begins to rise significantly to the point of limiting the second too much, it would be better to delete the files that are no longer needed

The same screen allows you to have an overview of the choices to make to free up space. For example, there is the section dedicated to files “Forwarded many times”, that of the largest files over 5 Mb. On the right, among other things, it is indicated how much each section “weighs” in the economy of the device’s capacity.

The importance of freeing

Pay attention to capacity when choosing your phone

The advice is, of course, to periodically delete large files And which are no longer useful.

Otherwise the risk is that, out of the blue, the phone may report low memory. At that point haste could also generate wrong choices.

Of course, WhatsApp is not the only application that takes up spacebut surely its constant use can favor its effects on filling.

About that, when buying a phoneit would always be advisable to focus on products that have a memory compatible with your needs.

What to pay attention to when buying a

A procedure that will come in very handy

Therefore, it is worth knowing the procedure of freeing up space through WhatsApp. And maybe suggest it to a friend, telling him clearly: “If you use WhatsApp you should check this right away”.

Also because it is an application that almost everyone uses, without very many knowing its functions in depth.

A speech that could obviously be extended to other worlds such as that of Facebook. Realities that are part of daily life and now easily accessible from anywhere through smartphones.

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