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Iliad Italia, rich in growth and 1 million mobile users will be activated in 2022 | mobile labs

2022 is the state a strong year grows for the Iliad Group and for Iliad Italy, if for how much the mobile devices are protected by the activation of the FTTH retirees. The company continues its own investment operation in the country’s infrastructure and in its objective of environmental and social sustainability.

The bilancio of 2022 has confirmed an important result for the fatturato di Iliad Italyche ha fatto registrare an increase of 15.5% Rispetto all’anno precedent, attesting to 927 million euro. EBITDAaL (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization and Special Losses) is at 211 million euros, a significant increase from 80 million euros registered in 2021. Iliad Italia has activated 1 million of mobile net users and 109 thousand Use your fiber.

Il Iliad Group has registered ricavi pari at 8.4 milliardi di euro, in crescita of 10.3% rispetto all’anno precedent. L’EBITDAaL is a figure of 3.3 billion euros, an increase of 12% over the previous year. The net profit is 758 million euros, an increase of 44.1% compared to the previous year.

Iliad in Italy is confirmed as a protagonist in the telecommunication market, with One million mobile phones will be activated only in 2022, raggiungendo così i 9.5 million. The 100% FTTH fiber optic offer launched in January 2022 has shown great success with 109 thousand activations in just 11 months, representing around 3.4% of the FTTH segment. Also, the last quarter of 2022 has registered particularly positive results, with +224 thousand users of the mobile network and +25 thousand users of the fiber network. Thanks to this performance, Iliad confirms for the 19th quarter of the row the first operator in the mobile market for net use balance.

Iliad has continued to invest in the country in terms of infrastructure and occupation, as shown LUISS studied itIl contributo di Iliad all’economia italiana. Analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of the investment and of the impacts concurring in the mobile phone market”.

Iliad has received the award “Availability award” 2022, assigned to opensignal, independent company for the evaluation of the experience of mobile phone users. The network mobile of Iliad if it is positioned al primo posto nella classifica degli operators per disponibilità di rete mobileCalcolata based on the tempo trascorso dagli utenti in connection with a 3G, 4G or 5G network.

By the end of 2022 there will be a further year of growth and innovation”, has said chiarato Benedetto Levi, Amministratore Delegato di Iliad Italia. “The important result is that I consent to continue to guard the future with lungimirance and great enthusiasm. We are rispettando gli impegni presi guaranteeing transparency and chiarezza in all our attività. By 2023 we will continue ad essere at the side of our usefulness with the best technology and with the offer without surprise and without costi nascosti, and distinctive treats that have not been fatto ventare l’alfiere della transparency in Italy”.

The sustainability strategy della società, inoltre, if it enters a route for a large intra-prisoner, it will be in 2021 that it is part of the Gruppo, which points to raggiungere the carbon neutrality for direct emissions in 2035 And ad include always di più le tematiche ESG lungo tutta la catena del valore. Nell’ambito della social sustainabilityOn the other hand, Iliad has continued to promote professional training programs and has concretely contributed to all’abbattimento delle disuguaglianze educative.

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