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Ilic al Toro: it is made for the arrival of the midfielder

Turin is very close to closing the operation that will bring the Serbian to Juric’s court: the player’s will is decisive

An operation that the Bull would have wanted to close for some time but that the inclusion of Marseille has made more complicated. In the last 48 hours, the grenades have attempted to overtake Ivan Ilic, the number one target of the grenades, a player already coached by Juric. And the player’s yes was decisive to close this negotiation, given that Marseille had put a higher figure on the plate, then forcing Toro to raise.

Turin transfer market: Ilic’s will is decisive

Tuesday afternoon everything was done for Ilic’s move to Olympique Marseille then, as we anticipated, the player had put the player on stand-by because he preferred to go back to work with Ivan Juric. The negotiation between Turin and Verona has therefore reopened: last night in Milan there was a meeting between the managers of the two companies, today the negotiations continued and now an agreement has been found for the definitive purchase of the midfielder. In the next few days Ilic will officially become a player of Turin.

Ivan Ilic, Verona

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