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“I’m here for survival reasons”

"I'm here for survival reasons"

Irela Bravo admitted in statements to influencer Alexander Otaola that she is staying to live in Miami to improve her family’s quality of life on the island, something she defined as “survival.

“For me this has been a very difficult decision to make”said the actress, who specified that her 94-year-old mother remains in Cuba, who encouraged her to make the decision.

“It is time for you to change the cycle of your life. I hope you last as long as I do, but mija, what you have left to live, live it,” Irela says her mother told her.

“Nothing material ties me to Cuba because no one has given me anything there and I say it with great pride.”stated the artist, who reported that during the Special Period she was homeless for about four or five years in the porch and living room of her house, in the Santos Suárez neighborhood, in the Havana municipality of Diez de Octubre.

She says that in desperation she asked for help from the municipal PCC and that nothing came of that effort. Overwhelmed by the need to solve the housing problem, she sold the car she had and her brother sent her money from Spain, which she used to make a license plate for the entire house.

“Everything I have achieved in Cuba has been due to my sacrifice with my work, with my own effort”stated the actress, who stressed that she decided to stay in Miami so that her family does not lack for anything.

“I am here because of a survival problem.”he noted.

“It’s hopelessness. When a person has no hope he does not live, he cannot bear fruit.”answered Irela Bravo when questioned by Otaola about what it means that a woman like her mother, who had been a “revolutionary,” told her to stay in the United States.

Irela Bravo was in the United States during the 9/11 protests and says that what happened gave her “pain.”

“I was in the US and I didn’t feel good. It made me sad to see those young people and the violence with which they proceeded (…) They only went out to demonstrate, not to kill anyone,” he said.

In December it was news that Irela Bravo was visiting Miami. In an initial interview with Ian Padrón, she confessed that she would spend a long time in the United States, although at that time he admitted that it was to stay…

The actress will participate in the humorous “Havana in Hialeah” in which she will play her popular character of “Chachita”, the same one she played in the popular Cuban Television program “Vivir del Cuento.” In this new project Irela Bravo will once again share the stage with Omar Franco, who played the character of “Ruperto”, her eternal lover in the aforementioned Cuban comedy program.

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