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IMF Mission arrives in Argentina to renegotiate the debt

Milei Government announces adjustments to avoid an economic catastrophe

BUENOS AIRES.- The government of the president of Argentina Javier Miley will receive a mission from the International Monetary Fund on Thursday (FMI) to renegotiate the payment agreement debt of some $45,000 million that it considers to be inoperative.

Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni told reporters this Tuesday that the objective of the visit is to renegotiate the agreement that the IMF signed with the previous government of Alberto Fernández (2019-2023), which is “virtually fallen” because the country “did not comply.” ” the economic conditions that had been agreed upon.

The IMF officials will be received by the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo.

Adorni did not give details about what aspects will be put on the negotiating table that will open in the coming days between the IMF and the Milei government, which took office less than a month ago.

Days ago Caputo denied that fresh funds had been agreed with the IMF and ratified compliance with debt commitments.

In January, Argentina must pay some $1.9 billion in maturities in the midst of an economic crisis and when the Central Bank is trying to rebuild its depleted foreign exchange reserves.

During the electoral campaign, Milei showed himself willing to make a more severe adjustment than that requested by the international organization as a condition for refinancing the debt that was contracted by the government of President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019).

Invited to dialogue

In his statements, Adorni invited everyone in Argentina to join the change promoted by the new government.

“Everyone is invited to be part of this change, the entire political and union leadership. Each and every one of the Argentines is invited to be part of this profound change that we have already begun to make since the inauguration of President Milei.”

Regarding the conflict with the main Argentine trade union center, the CGT, which called a general strike for next January 24 in rejection of the government’s economic measures, Adorni assured that they want an Argentina that is free and integrated into the world.

“The channels of dialogue are permanently open. All those who want an orderly, free, safe and growing Argentina are invited to dialogue. I don’t understand this thing about negotiating to go back. President Milei, before becoming a candidate, had a vision of what he wanted Argentina to be like. When he was a candidate, he communicated it. Here there is nothing to go backwards or to the side. Either you are with the Argentina we want or you are with the Argentina of the past. The channel of dialogue is free, what is being negotiated is a free Argentina, wanting to get out of the 50% poor, ending poverty, wanting to get out of miserable salaries and be integrated into the world,” he stressed.

Source: With information from AP

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