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Immigration 1990-2020: what is the proportion in Algeria?

Leaving one’s country of origin to settle abroad is always a difficult ordeal. Whether it is to flee the war, for professional reasons or to pursue studies elsewhere, the reasons are numerous and so are immigrants. According to a recent international study compiled by Visual Capitaist, in 2020, 272 million immigrants were registered worldwide.

This study by Visual Capitalist highlights immigration by country, as a percentage of the population. This is according to data from the United Nations Population Division. According to the latter, this number of immigrants represents 3.5% of the world’s population.

Moreover, this study shows that high levels of immigration are correlated with high standards of living. For example, North America and Europe, which record relatively high percentages of immigrants.

The proportion of immigrants in Algeria between 1990 – 2020

According to Visual Capitalist, the United States of America has a significant number of immigrants. That’s over 50 million. Indeed, since 1990, the proportion of immigrants continues to increase in this country. On the other hand, for the United Arab Emirates, 88% of its populations are immigrants.

With regard to Algeria, in 1990, the proportion of immigrants in Algeria represented 1.06% of the total population. This rate fell to 0.81% in 2000. And 0.6% in 2010. In addition, in 2020, the percentage of immigrants in Algeria reached 0.57% of the total population.

The proportion of immigrants in Algeria between 1990 and 2020

With regard to the other Maghreb countries, Tunisia recorded, in 2020, an immigration rate of up to 0.51%. The percentage of immigrants in Morocco, in 2020, is estimated at 0.21% of its total population.

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