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Immigration chaos in New York: more than 100,000 people have arrived since April 2022

Immigration chaos in New York: more than 100,000 people have arrived since April 2022

More of 100,00 immigrants They have arrived in New York since April 2022 in an unprecedented wave in recent years, according to figures offered by Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday.

“As of August 13, 101,200 asylum seekers have passed through the system of New York nursing homesand 58,500 of them are still under the care of the city,” said the mayor, who underlined the pressure that this places on the entire network of public shelters, where today -immigrants and homeless people added- there are 110,200 people sheltered.

Adams insisted that the city It no longer has space to accommodate so many people: “Honestly, while our compassion is limitless, our resources are not, and we have no miracles left.”

After the city’s shelters became overcrowded last year with the arrival of thousands of immigrants and homeless New Yorkers, he had to resort to renting hotels and other places to accommodate them. In total they have enabled 200 emergency centerssome dedicated exclusively to families with children.

“We are grateful for the help we have received so far from our partners in Albany (state government headquarters) and Washington, but the fact is that we need more,” insisted the Democrat, who has criticized the White House for not listening to his called on a problem that has stated “it’s national”.

This is a national crisis that demands solutions that extend beyond our cityand the city can’t continue to run it largely on its own,” Adams reiterated.

The city has been receiving between 300 to 500 people a daysome directly from the border, after surrendering to the authorities and requesting asylum, later transferred by the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, and others on their own from other states.

last week they arrived more than 2,700highlighted Adams, who has warned that more than 1,700 million have already been spent on caring for migrants, a figure that at the end of three years will amount to more than 12,000 million.

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